Chapter 36: A Report

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As I'm walking back to my car from Sang's dorm, I get a message on my phone.

Dr. Roberts: My office, now.

Hmm, I wonder what this could be about? I know that he had other obligations this evening, which is the only reason I got the tickets, but why would he want to see me now? Thinking that it would just be easier to go and find out, I get in my car and drive over to the administration building. Dr. Roberts has his office on the first floor, that way he has easy access to the exit in the event of an emergency either here or at the hospital.

I navigate through the halls and make my way to his office, what I see when I get there shocks me. Scattered around the office, are the 9 other team leads that are here at the college. Mr. Toma is sitting on the couch next to the Reyes team lead, Alejandro Reyes, and the Smith's team lead Jason Smith. Over by the window next to Dr. Roberts desk, are the leads of the only female teams on campus, Jackie Stewart, and Samantha Brookes. Standing behind the couch are the last 4 team leads, all male, Jake Romero, Jessie Carver, Quinton Hicks, and Romero Alverez. Dr. Roberts sits at his desk looking over us all in deep thought. This should be interesting.

"Ah, Owen. Glad you could make it. If you could make yourself comfortable, we'll begin." Dr. Roberts announces from his seat.

I walk further into the run and take a stand next to Axel on the couch.

"My apologies if I'm having you repeat yourself, but why exactly are we here?" I question.

"No apologies necessary, I haven't yet revealed the reason for your presence. Now that you're all here, I can begin." He states. "As you all may or may not be aware, the candidates that you have adopted have begun their screening process. Their first task was meant to be completed by today and they've all succeeded. Now normally we don't do this, but seeing as how we have such a diverse crop of candidates, we thought you'd like to be a part of their first accomplishment."

I had no idea that we've already started the trials, but knowing that Sang has already accomplished the first task without any of us knowing, or seeing a difference in her behavior is extraordinary.

"Their first task, was to acquire an object from an Academy member of their choice, without the member's knowledge, photograph said item as evidence, and then return it without being caught."

Wait, are we actually encouraging theft? I know that missions sometimes require item retrieval that isn't exactly legal, but to have them do this as their first task? And for Sang to have actually done it!? This is far more than what I expected when I put in for her adoption.

"So, I suppose we'll just go in the order that we received the adoption request. Which means, Alejandro, you're up first."

Dr. Roberts turns on the projector on his desk, and powers up his laptop. Soon enough, on the wall is a projection of a young man with a plaque with the name Alejandro Reyes on the front.

"What!" Mr. Reyes exclaims jumping up from the couch. "Why that little-"

"Sit down Mr. Reyes." Dr. Roberts tells him. "He was told to accomplish something and he did. Now, if we can continue?"

After Reyes sits down, Dr. Roberts continues to go through the pictures, all minor offences to the team leads. After Reyes' outburst, it seemed that none of the other adoptees chose their team lead to pick on.

Soon enough, it's just down to Kayli and Sang, and the next picture that comes on the screen shocks me more than anything I've seen so far. Up on the wall is a selfie of Miss Sorenson, in her room holding open Mr. Taylor Jr.'s wallet, showing his student ID picture. In an instant, the whole room begins to laugh, including Dr. Roberts.

"Wow Owen, you'd think North would be use to Luke stealing his stuff, but Sang?" Mr. Toma laughs out.

"How did she even get close enough?" Miss Brookes says with a slight sneer.

It's a well known fact among the Academy, that Miss Brookes, and her 1st in command, are very fixated on the Taylor brothers. The jealousy in her tone is evident.

"Perhaps North should have to take another anti theft class." Mr. Reyes says with a laugh.

"Says the man who got his plaque taken from his room by a boy." I say with a smirk.

No one insults my team.

"Alright, and for the last one." Dr. Roberts interjects.

Soon enough, there's a video playing of Miss Winchester, on what looks to be Mr. Henshaw's motorcycle.

"Holy shit." Miss Stewart exclaims. "Who the hell do these girls think they are?"

"Be careful girls, green isn't your color." Mr. Carver states with a smirk.

Before the girls can comment, Mr. Toma bursts out with laughter.

"Oh man! Brandon's never gonna live this down! Kayli doesn't even ride!"

Soon, his words get drowned out by his laughter, along with everyone else's in the room. It takes a moment for Dr. Robert to settle everyone down.

"Alright, alright." He states through his own chuckles. "I'm glad you all had your fun. Know that this is the only time you will know what they are up to. Do not ask them, and do not ask us. You will find out who makes it at the end of semester gala on December 14th. Now, if you'll all excuse me, I'd like to get some sleep."

As the team leads file out one by one, I'm left in the office with Mr. Toma and Dr. Roberts.

"Well boys," He says as we walk out together, "It seems that your girls might have painted a target on their backs."

"Don't worry. They can handle it." Mr. Toma acknowledges.

"I agree. There's more to them than meets the eye." I interject.

"Well it seems I'll have the pleasure of finding that out for myself. Goodnight boys."

After Dr. Roberts walks away, Axel turns to me and asks, "Do you think they'll make it?"

"I believe they'll put in the most effort."


"The Academy won't know what hit them."

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