Chapter 11: Hot for Teacher

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The remainder of my weekend after Game Night was thankfully uneventful. I hung out with Kota and Victor Saturday morning. We went to a mall in town and just looked around the bookstore. Later on when I told Gabriel about it he got mad saying that Kota and Victor know that they aren't allowed to shop without him. He said the next time we go it'll be to get me a whole new wardrobe. I tried to tell him that I didn't need anything new but he just kept ignoring me until Victor said this is what he does for everyone in the group and to just go with it. I told Victor I didn't want him spending any more money on me and he said he'll do it anyway so just thank him. I'm not sure I'll ever get use to this kind of thing. I asked Kayli about it and she said just to go with the flow since they weren't expecting anything of me, they were just being nice.

After the mall, Kota and Victor had some Academy work to do so me and Kayli went swimming with Nathan, Silas, Raven and Marc. I had dinner with Lucian and Gabriel while Kayli hung out with Corey. I definitely wasn't use to all of the attention I was getting since Game Night, but decided to just go with it and enjoy myself.

Sunday was a pretty relaxed day. Kayli and I just stayed in our room and hung out, getting any work we needed out of the way and just talked. She told me about her and Brandon, gotta say, I saw that one coming a mile away. I was a little confused on why she left right after but decided not to push it, she'll tell me when she's ready.

After, we talked about me stepping out of my comfort zone. No running out after class, no more hiding in the shadows or trying to be invisible. She wanted me to stop worrying about the past trying to catch up with me and I think that with all my new friends, I was finally in a position to be who I wanted. I was going to embrace my new life and the new people in it for however long they wanted to be there.

******************Time Jump*******************

As I walked into Japanese Wednesday morning, I saw Corey and Victor were already seated by the windows sitting next to each other. I walked over and took my place behind Victor, just as Kayli and Marc walked in laughing. Kayli sat behind me and Marc sat next to her, Corey then chose to move back a seat to sit next to me so that he could hear their conversation better.

With the change in seating I had a clear view of the door which meant that I was the first person to notice Sean walk in. My cheeks became a little red as I remembered the last time I saw him at Game Night, still as handsome as ever. He caught me looking at him and sent a wink my way, which Kayli must have seen because she ended up laughing and nudging me in the ribs.

Sean stayed by the door well after the class was all seated as we waited for Professor Bell to come in and start teaching. Just then, the Professor walks in and greets us in Japanese.

"Kon'nichiwa minasan (Good Morning Class.)" She walks to the front of her desk to lean on while waiting for our response.

"Ohayōgozaimasu kyōju (Good Morning Professor.)" We say in unison.

"Today I'd like to introduce to you my new teaching assistant, please give a warm welcome to Dr. Sean Green." She says while gesturing over for Sean to come closer.

Dr. Who? Sean is our new TA!? How is this even possible? I just saw him naked a few days ago!! And did she say doctor??? How the hell is he a doctor?? He can't be much older than I am!! I think I'm gonna be sick. Perfect place too since there's now a freaking doctor in the room!

All of these thoughts are rolling through my head while Sean catches my eye and gives me what I can only describe as a panty dropping smile. Forget what I said earlier, I want to go back to being invisible.

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