Chapter 56: Text Wars

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I'm pulling my keys out of my pocket to unlock my room door on Tuesday afternoon, when I hear a high-pitched giggle that is undeniably Sang. Looking down the hall, I'm surprised when I don't see her standing in the hallway, only an empty corridor meets me.

Did I imagine it?

Shrugging it off, I unlock my door and walk in, only to see Sang lounging on my bed talking with Vic and Kota.

Holy shit she's on my bed. How many times have I imagined her here, only to be completely unprepared to see her there.

"Hey Nate," Victor greets me, being the first to see me.

"Honey!" Sang exclaims, jumping off the bed and squeezing me around my waist in a tight hug. I wrap my arms around her and feel all the stress of upcoming finals drain away. God, this girl is magic.

"Hey Peanut," I reluctantly let her go and she goes back to sit on my bed. I close the door behind me and sit next to her. "What are you guys up to?" I ask, dropping my bag on my desk.

"I was just telling Princess about my professors 'expectations' for my music composition final." Vic tells me. "She's being a real harpy."

"And I thought it was funny because of this show I started watching on Netflix. There's this thing called a harpy lady, and I was imagining his professor with wings and talons." Peanut tells me giggling again.

"Ah, I see you've discovered Yugioh." I tell her while chucking.

"Yeah! It's really cool." Peanut responds.

I'm about to respond when I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. Looking at my brothers, they pull out their phones as well. Looks like we just got pulled into a group text. Looking over at Sang, I see that she doesn't pull hers out.

Guess she's not in this one. Only one reason for that; it's about her.

Gabe: I know that North's ass got chewed out for this shit the other day, but does anybody know what Sang's gonna do at the end of the semester?

It's a great question, but I don't exactly feel comfortable talking about her when she's right here. Looking over at her, I see that she notices she hasn't been included in something. If the frown on her face is any indication, she doesn't like it.

"Guys I'm gonna head back to my room," She says while standing up.

"Princess you don't have to leave." Victor tells her.

"He's right Sang," Kota helps.

"Yeah Peanut, stay," I tell her as she walks to the door. "I just got here."

"No, it's ok. I should probably work on my tech final anyway. I'll see you guys later ok?"

"If you're sure..." Kota hedges.

She doesn't respond, just gives us a smile and leaves the room.

Group Text

Me: Nice going Gabe, you just made upset Sang.

Gabe: How the fuck could I do that! I haven't even seen her today!

Victor: Princess was with us when we got the group text.

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