Chapter 43: Friday Fallout

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"Si, you gotta get us out of this bet." I plead.

We're walking out of our Biology lab midterm and I'm pretty sure that nothing short of begging will get us out of this bet Raven got us into. I can't believe I let him make it. What the hell was wrong with me?

"Raven made the bet with North." He tells me. "So it's North that you'll have to talk to if you want this thing over."

"I have a class right now, I can't talk to North."

"Then send someone who can." He laughs. "You guys got yourselves into this. Get yourselves out."

He walks away from me chuckling and shaking his head. Going through our schedules, I see that Brandon has shop class with North at 3. Let's hope he can convince him to let us out of this mess. I shoot a text off to Brandon as I walk to Hughes Hall where all the English and Business classes are held.

Me: Brandon, try and convince North to let us out of this mess when you see him in shop.

Brandon: What makes you think I can convince him?

Me: He doesn't hate you. Otherwise, I'd send Raven to clean up his mess.

Brandon: Got it boss, I'll try.

Me: Thanks.

"Mr. Toma." I hear as I walk into the room.

I look up to see Owen standing by the desk.

"Mr. Blackbourne." I smirk. "Fridays aren't your days to teach."

"Professor James had a last minute meeting he needed to get to. I'm to hand out the tests from Wednesday and send everyone on their way."

"Lucky me."

He flips through some papers before pulling one out of the stack and walking over to hand it to me.

"Well done." He congratulates.

"Did you really expect anything less?" I chuckle.

His answer gets cut off by Sang coming in the room.

"Oh," She says as she looks up. "Hey Axel, Mr. Blackbourne."

"Miss Sorenson." Owen greets her.

"Sang." I respond.

"Am I interrupting something?" She asks, "Where's Professor James?"

"Last minute meeting." I tell her as Owen walks over to collect her test.


"Here's your test Miss Sorenson."

"Oh, thanks. Huh." She huffs.

"Are you unsatisfied with your results?" He asks her with a tilt of his head.

I lean over and take a look at her score. She got an A+, I'm guessing she even got the bonus questions right. Why would she be unsatisfied?

"Oh, no." She tells us. "That's not it. Just...I don't have anything to do. I've been busy all week and now I have nothing to do." She mumbles the last part to herself.

"Have you had lunch?" Owen asks her. "You could join me if you'd like."

"Don't you have to stay to hand out the tests?" She asks him.

"Only for the next," He stops to look at his watch. "15 minutes."

"Oh, well sure. Sorry if I'm not too much fun though. I've been running around like a chicken with her head cut off all week."

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