Chapter 21.5: Happy Halloween Pt2

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We head out of the room, locking the door behind us and head off to the party. When we walk in the door, the house is completely transformed from what it was while I was here earlier. It's dark like it was that first night I was here, but now has spiders and cobwebs hanging from the ceiling. There is fake blood and scratches all over the stairs and creepy silhouettes in every dark corner. They really did an amazing job on getting this house looking spooky for Halloween. Gabriel tells us that he has to go play hostess for a bit but that he'll see us later and for us to enjoy ourselves.

Kayli and I dance around in the living room for a bit before the first of our boys make an appearance. Raven, Axel, North and Silas approached up in the center of the floor, all in their costumes. When I saw them, my jaw hit the floor...I was blown away at the fact that these type A alpha males could walk into a party in full costume and not be embarrassed about it. I liked it, their confidence was probably one of the many things that girls found hot. I know I did. Raven was shirtless, which got more than a few stares, with black leather pants on, brown work boots splashed with mud, and a long brown coat with the sleeves ripped off. Axel wore a tight blue and red short sleeved shirt with a mask that went around his head, leaving his hair out and his face exposed. He has on fitted black jeans, black boots and red colored contacts to complete his look. After my inquiry they begrudgingly told me that they were Sabertooth and Gambit, the bad guys. North, in his full wolverine regalia, was wearing the black and yellow x-men suit, with fake retractable claws that Corey and Victor cooked up, and thick sideburns. Silas, looking very much like the Angel he called me, was wearing a red and black body suit with an eye mask and actual wings folded in on his back. I'm sure the wings were fake, but the fact that they found a prop of that magnitude to fit Silas' huge frame, said a lot for their creativity.

We danced around for a bit, enjoying each other's company and talking about nothing in particular. The guys got a lot of looks from girls dressed as cats and nurses, but their eyes never left the two of us. That is, until one little kitty decided to make herself known.

"Hey there big boy, I think we have a litter to make." I hear from the side, and I lie to you not, the voice sounded like nails on a chalk board.

I turn to the side to see one of the cats found their way to Raven and Kayli. The girl is pretty, of what I can see of her. She has long, raven black hair, and legs for days. Not to mention how much of her breasts are spilling out of her black cat suit.

"Not interested." Raven huffs out in his thick accent, turning away from her and giving Kayli all of his attention.

"Not yet, but you will be." She says seductively, running her hand down his arm.

"Hey kittycunt, paws off. He said he's not interested." Kayli tells her with venom in her voice.

"Whatever." The girl says as she flips her hair over her shoulder, "Your loss."

"I swear, the nerve of some people. Sang, I'm getting a drink, you wanna come?" Kayli says to me.

"Sure," I say to her, then lean into Silas and North, "I'll be right back."

"Be safe Aggele." Silas tells me.

"Stay with Kayli." North growls.

"I will."

Kayli links her arm through mine and we walk through the packed living room, into the slightly less packed kitchen where we see Gabriel, Lucian, and Nathan. I almost didn't recognize Lucian for a second with black hair, but there is no way you could hide those playfully mischievous brown eyes. He's wearing a red and black x-men suit with a tail, and his face painted blue. Looking over at Nathan, I almost have a heart attack. He's painted blue and practically naked. He has on what looks to be an x-men speedo. I wouldn't really know; I'm trying very hard not to look past his crazy defined pecs. I feel the blush alive and well, spread up to my ears, thankful that the red hair covers it.

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