Chapter 17: Moonlight Sonata

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**Sang Flashback in the Mall**

"Come Aggele," Silas tells me as we exit the last store, "your dragging. Hop up." He says while bending down in front of me.

"I'm fine Silas, I'll just need a really long nap after this that's all." I tell him.

"Nonsense Princess," Victor says while picking me up to place me on Silas's back, "you deserve to be carried. Let the lesser mortals do all the walking." He says with an air of arrogance that doesn't really suit him.

"Who you calling lesser?" Gabriel asks with a pout as we start walking.

"Who are you calling mortal?" Silas asks with a laugh.

"Yea Vic, let's not forget that you're walking too." Marc comments while laughing.

"I am but a humble servant to Princess Sang." Victor replies.

"Then get to carrying servant." Gabriel laughs while pushing a few bags into Victor's hands.

"Don't worry my Prince," I join in, "I know that you are truly a prince in shepherds clothing."

"And what about me Aggele? Are you really going to let him call me mortal?" Silas quips.

"You are anything but Silas, more super than mere man." I tell him smiling.

"Tha eímai yperánthropos sas káthe méra Aggele Mou. (I'll be your superman any day my angel.)"

"Kai tha íthela na aisthánontai asfaleís gnorízontas óti eínai ekeí gia na me prostatéfsei Soúperman. (And I'd feel safe knowing you are there to protect me superman.)" I tell him in return.

"What about me Trouble?" Gabriel pouts.

"You are far greater than anyone realizes Meanie."

"Damn right I am!"

**End Flashback**

"And that's what we were laughing about when we were leaving the mall." I tell Kayli.

We just finished putting up all of our new clothes, except for our costumes; I've hidden those away in my closet as a little surprise for Kayli being so pissy all day.

"So that's how the Greek got his name. I thought he'd want something subtler like Adonis."

"1) Silas is way to humble for that. And 2) what is with you today? Why are you so against my guys?" Shit, I just called them my guys out loud.

"Holy shit you just called them your guys." Kayli says stunned. "Sang we need to talk."

"I'm not doing anything without dinner." I say as I toss her my phone. "Get to dialing, I need to pee."

When I get out of the bathroom I see Kota in the hallway walking towards his room.

"Hey Kota, is this gonna be a thing now?" I ask while laughing.

"Hey Sang, no it's not gonna be a thing. Unless you want it to?" Kota asks with a smirk. "I actually just came from your room, Kayli said you weren't there but wouldn't tell me where you were."

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