Chapter 58: Finals

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After my date with Gabriel, the next few days fly by in a whirlwind of last minute studying with Kayli to make sure we both pass all our finals. And then, the dreaded day come. Monday was part one of our Japanese final. The written part thank god. Mainly multiple choice, fill in the blank, and forming complete sentences. Tuesday was my English final. we had to write three short essays based on the three genres we covered in class. That one as easy enough, I already knew what I wanted to write about, and talking about the things I've read generally comes easier to me.

Wednesday was part two of our Japanese final, the speaking portion. Each of us were called into the hallway with Dr. Green and we had to have a five to ten-minute conversation with him. I think I did ok if the perma-smile he wore when I left had anything to do with it. Thursday was double test day. First, was our computer tech final. In addition to handing in our final project, we had to recreate the demo web page that the professor projected onto the whiteboard. Later in the day we had our Algebra final which was pretty easy. Thanks to Kota I'm a lot better with numbers. And finally, Friday, today. Today I took my management final. Fifty questions on things we've learned throughout the semester. And might I say, walking out of that classroom with my test complete, is the most amazing feeling ever! Now, it's time to meet up with Kayli.

Kayli didn't have any finals today, so she's been waiting in the quad for me. I told her she didn't have to, but she said since Axel has the same class, she wanted to be the first to congratulate us both. As I'm walking down the steps of the building, I turn my head to the sun and pull my jacket around me a little tighter. I breathe in a big breath of fresh air and start giggling uncontrollably.

I'm done! I'm finally done! I've taken my last final! And now all I need to do is wait for my grades!

Well, that's not really all that I have to do, but I'd rather not think about trying to figure out where to live once classes are officially over next Tuesday. Move out day is next Thursday. Kayli and I have no idea where we're gonna go, but I'm not gonna let that ruin my good mood. Finals are over!

My bright smile widens a bit when I see Kayli standing with Axel over by the bench in front of the building. Her hands are cuffed loosely around his neck with his arms around her waist. They're wearing matching smiles that make me wish for one of my guys. They look so happy, so content, love.

"Hey lovebirds," I call out, walking over to them. "I don't mean to interrupt, but I kind of need to steal my roommate for a bit."

They both smile in my direction as I get closer, their arms wrapped around each other's waists.

"Hey Sang," Axel greets. "How do you think you did?"

"Pretty good," I respond. "I answered all the questions, so there's that. How about you?"

"Pretty sure I aced it," he smirks.

"Awesome. Can I steal Kayli for a bit?" I ask. "I promise to return her to in perfect condition."

"Not a problem," he tells me, placing a kiss on her cheek. "You two have fun. See you later."

After Axel walks away, Kayli loops her arm through mine, and we start the long trek back to the dorms.

"So," she starts, after a few moments of silence. "How was your last final?"

"It was pretty good. Owen and Axel helped me study a lot. I think I did really well."

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