Chapter 39: Dreamscape

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When we get back to our room, it's a little after midnight, and the letters are on our beds exactly how he said they'd be. Thinking it's just be easier to get this over with, I grab the letter and pull out the card inside.

Your Desire Dance Team

3pm Sunday

Dance Studio B

Dance? I have to dance!? Dancing's not my thing! It's Kayli's! Oh what fresh level of hell is this. I put the note back in the envelope and stuff it in my desk drawer. There's no way I'm going to get a good night's sleep with this on my brain. I wonder if North's in his room. He always makes sleeping easier.

Going into my closet, I change into something a little less conspicuous. North's way too perceptive to not know that something is up, if I go to his room fully dressed after midnight. I throw on a pair of black yoga pants and a pink tank top, my usual lounge clothes, and go back into the room.

Kayli's reading over her card for what must be the 10th time when I emerge.

"It's not going to change not matter how hard you look at it." I tell her as I grab up my keys and phone.

"Maybe if I try really really hard?"

"It can't be that bad."

"Oh, but it is." She seems to notice my attire for the first time, because she tilts her head and asks, "Where are you going?"

"North's room. I'll see you later."

Before she can respond, I'm out the door and walking down the hallway. We may be civil when it comes to these Academy tasks, but that doesn't mean she gets to look into my life anymore. I go upstairs, and knock on North's door when I get to the room. He answers the door in a black tank shirt and black basketball shorts.

"Hey Sang Baby." He says as I walk into his arms to give him a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"Can't sleep." I mumble. "Can I stay with you tonight?" I add a small pout just in case.

"Of course baby." He says with a laugh.

He places a small kiss on my forehead and ushers me into the room. Silas is laying on his bed, attention directed at the T.V.

"Geia Superman. (Hi Superman)" I say with a smile as I go sit on North's bed.

"Aggele." He says with a smile as he looks over at me. "You're staying with us again?"

"Is that a problem?" I ask with a small frown.

"Never Aggele Mou. You can stay here as long as you like."

"Sang Baby, you want to stay in that, or do you want something to change into?" North asks as he locks the door and walks over to me.

"I'll keep my pants, but I think I'll change my shirt." I tell him.

"No problem baby."

North walks into his closet, and comes back out holding a plain black t-shirt. I take it from him with a 'thank you' and go into the closet to change. I leave my bra and tank top on a shelf under his shirts, and pull his big shirt over me, loving the rich musk that envelops me that is all North.

When I walk back into the room, I see that North has settled in on the left side of the bed, leaving me to crawl over him to get on the inside. It's a good thing I kept my sweatpants on, because I'm pretty sure they would've saw my panties if I wore just the shirt. I settle in next to North, and direct my attention to the T.V. where they've got some action romance on the screen. I feel super relaxed curled into North, and with the movie playing in the background and with North and Silas' scents mingling in the room, I fall asleep fairly quickly.

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