Chapter 26.5: Family Meeting

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**A Report**

When Victor arrived in the dining room after getting Sang settled, Owen pulled him off to the side to speak with him privately.

"Mr. Morgan, what is your relationship with Ms. Sorenson?"

"We're friends Mr. Blackbourne, but I like her. A lot."

"Is she aware of your feelings?"

"I'm not sure. She's never had a normal life Mr. B. She doesn't know what attraction looks like. Not from experience, only movies and books. I think she's starting to understand but I can't be sure."

"I see."

At this point, the front door opens and in walks North and Nathan.

"Alright gentlemen, let's take our seats. We have a lot to cover today." Mr. Blackbourne announces.

They all take their seats around the dining room table and wait for the head of their family to start the meeting.

"Before we get started on our main topic, how is everything doing? Mr. Lee? How are your mother and sister?"

"They're fine Mr. Blackbourne. Mom's hours aren't as crazy anymore and Jess likes her new school." Kota states.

"Excellent. Mr. Morgan?"

"Everything's fine with me Mr. Blackbourne. My parents have stopped calling; I think they get the message."

The rest of the boys said much of the same. Everything had gotten easier for them since enrolling in the college. With formalities out of the way, Owen started to address why they were all here.

"As of now, we are all aware that Ms. Sorenson has not lived the easiest life, prior to attending school here. And it has come to my attention, that quite a few of you have been getting close to her. I'd like to ask where each of you are, in relation to your friendship with Ms. Sorenson. Mr. Morgan, Mr. Taylor Jr., would either of you like to begin?"

Victor clears his throat, a blush forming on his cheeks before he speaks.

"We've gotten close these past few weeks. I like her. I care about her. I know a few of you have developed feelings for her as well, but she's unlike any girl I've ever met."

"I see. And you Mr. Taylor Jr.?" Owen looks to North.

"It's no secret that I care about Sang Baby. She's amazing, you'd have to be blind, deaf and stupid not to be attracted to her. She has a giant heart and has had a shit go at life. I don't know about the rest of you I but plan on being in her life in any capacity that she'll let me."

"North, what exactly were you trying to tell me the other day?" Luke asks. "What did Kayli tell you?"

"Aftó to ónoma den tha prépei na milísei se aftí tin oikogéneia. (That name should not be spoken in this family.)" Silas says with a sneer.

"Symfonó adelfós. (I agree brother.)" North responds to him.

"Oy! English you fuckers! Mr. B, tell them to knock off the Greek shit!"

"Language Mr. Coleman, but colorful language aside, he's correct. Mr. Korba, Mr. Taylor Jr. Please refrain from speaking in Greek when in our meetings."

"Sorry Mr. B." Silas apologizes.

"Yeah, sorry." North grunts out.

"Now, what exactly did Miss. Winchester tell you, Mr. Taylor?" Mr. Blackbourne asks North with a raised eyebrow.

"Alright, Brandon and I invited Kayli and Sang to hang out with us a few weeks ago. Kayli got there before Sang did and I asked her to tell me a little about her. I wanted to know more about her after game night and I figured since she was her roommate, she might be able to give me some advice. What she told me instead, was not to make Sang choose between any of us. That she saw how we were around Sang and she could tell a few of us were catching feelings, but not to make her choose anyone of us to date since we're basically her first friends. The first group of people to ever show an interest in her. She doesn't want her to lose that if she ends up being with one of us exclusively."

"What the fuck does that mean? None of us can date Sang?" Gabriel questions angrily.

"As far as Kayli's concerned, we can date and kiss Sang till we're blue in the face if she lets us. But we shouldn't make her choose just one of us. She wants Sang to have a normal college experience with dating and apparently all the girl drama that goes with it."

"Funny how the girl who tells us not to make Sang choose, then goes and calls her a slut and a home wrecker for having a "normal college experience." Nathan interjects.

"I think the only way to get to the bottom of their argument is to find out why Kayli came into the room upset in the first place." Sean suggests.

"I agree." Mr. Blackbourne responds, "We have to get to the reasons behind Miss. Winchester's actions. But first I believe we may have to take her advice. Miss. Sorenson has not been in any romantic relationship and I believe that pushing her towards anyone of us would make her feel like she couldn't be around the rest of us."

"So what exactly are you saying Mr. B? We can't date Cupcake?" Luke asks him.

"What I am saying Mr. Taylor, is that we don't take our individual relationships with Ms. Sorenson any further than she is comfortable with. Move at her speed, if she initiates and or asks for anything in particular, then you may reciprocate, but do not push her."

"I think that we should get Sang's opinion on this." Kota states. "We're all basically saying that we'd like a chance to date Sang. I think she should be able to say if that's something she wants or not."

"Very well Mr. Lee." Mr. Blackbourne tells him. "I agree; She should have a say in the matter. Let's put it to a vote."

"I am willing and I will obey." Kota starts off, knowing that this may be the only chance he has with Sang.

"I am willing and I will obey." Nathan says next, wanting to use this as an opportunity to get to know her better.

"I am willing and I will obey." Victor says with a gleam in his eye. Knowing that this will only help him and Sang grow closer.

"I am willing and I will obey." Luke says with a faraway look in his eyes. Thinking of all the chocolate they can enjoy together.

"I am willing and I will obey." Gabriel says with a smile, thinking of all the time he can spend with her, singing and doing her hair.

"I am willing and I will obey." Silas says with a nod. No one will take his Aggele away from him.

All eyes turn to North for the final vote. Knowing that the younger brother always goes against the grain in these situations, they all hold their breath.

"I am willing and I will obey." North grunts out.

With the younger members of the team in agreement, Sean and Owen look at each other, then turn back to the others and in unison, say the words that will seal the fate of their team.

"I am willing and I will obey."

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