Chapter 18: The wedding day (Part 1)

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To my readers, I'm sorry about the long wait for the update. I'll hopefully be updating again very soon with the second part. I only split this chapter into two parts so that you guys would have something to read already.

Recap (for those who may have forgotten) : Beth moved to a new town, where she met Ryan. They got paired together on a project. Beth also encounters a mean girl at her school (Nicki) who as it turns out was just jealous. She turns out to be nice, and Beth ends up making friends with another girl (Diana) who had been mean to her. Beth has been having flashbacks of a time where she was in the snow, but she remembers other people taking her, people that weren't her parents. Eventually Beth tells Ryan, on accident, that she likes him. It turns out that he likes her too and he tells her as soon as he can see her. They kiss. They were also both invited to a wedding. The bride is a client of Beth's mom.

That was a short recap, I hope I didn't miss anything important.



I don't know why anyone would choose to wake up at 7 in the morning on a Saturday. But I, being the daughter of a woman who ran her own wedding business, had to make that sacrifice. I sacrificed my own beauty sleep to help her make the final preparations for the wedding. Although, I actually didn't mind as much as I probably would have made it seem.

I got up lazily and brushed my teeth so that when I talked to my mom I wouldn't kill her with my breath. After that I quickly walked down the stairs to look for my mom. I didn't have to look for very long because I found her sitting on the couch with her reading glasses on. As soon as I stepped into the room she turned and peered at me through her glasses.

"Wow you actually woke up."

 "Haaaa haaaaaa. Yes I'm awake."  

She smiled and proceeded to give me a list of preparations. Once she finished I ran up the stairs into my room to go change into something comfortable. I quickly looked out of the window before throwing on the first things that I could find. I ran back down the stairs and grabbed my keys off of the counter. Before I could leave, my mom stopped me.

"Oh one last thing. Somebody made a mistake with one of the preparations. If you can I need you to please go with Ryan to this little store down on Shire Road it's about 25ish minutes from here I'll give you the address and I need you to ask Mr. Grey for the lights. Please."

"Shire, Grey, lights. I got it mom."  

"Thank you!" She called out to me as I was leaving the house.

I opened my car door and got inside, quickly turning on the car and the heater. Then I grabbed my phone and dialed Ryan's number. It rang a couple of times before he picked up.

"I'm ready."  


"We're going to run errands aren't we?"  

I laughed. "Man gossip spreads fast doesn't it."  

"Yup like a disease."

"Oh goodness," I laughed again. "I'm leaving my house so I'll be there in like, I don't know, 15 seconds."  

"Okay but come in, I'll leave the door unlocked."  

We hung up on each other and I made the short drive over to his house. I walked out of my car and over to his door, testing the handle to see if it was unlocked like he said it would be. To my surprise it was. I walked in and looked around, not seeing him anywhere.

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