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Ink looked around the anti-void. He has no idea how he knew what this place was, only that he dose know.

But he was alone.

The empty white land lay before him. Endless.

He wondered around the white land hoping for some change.

Anything to rid himself of the feeling in his soul.

He searched for any changes he could. But all their was, was the empty white land. And slowly, he realized how alone he truly was.

Ink spent what felt an eternity wondering around the empty anti-void feeling alone and lost.

He would reach out in hope to find someone, something, that would show him where to go, what to do, to be with him.

He looked down and for the first time he really noticed himself. The way he looked, and what he had on him.


The word ran threw his mind as he looked at the colorful tubes on his... Belt?

Paintbrushes hung to his side. And a smile covers his bland face.

He knew what to do.

He grabbed one of his paintbrushes and with natural ability he took out the paint and looked at the emptiness before him.

"We need a little color."

He smiled as the paint brush moved across the spot in front of him.

Red. Orange. Yellow. Green. Blue. Purple.

A rainbow.

Ink smiled at his work. His first creation. But he could do better. He turned away from the art and put the paintbrush in his mouth.

He had work to do. The colors, that told him he was not alone. Like this was meant to happen.

He reached his hand out and touched the rainbow. It was like he could feel life radiating off it.

He looked at his paints and wondered what else he could create. Glancing around the empty void be moved on, to make another art... Artwork.

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