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(don't hate me, but this is the kinds of games Error plays rember, he is the bad guy)

Error looked around the Multi-verse. He felt Bord and planned to play a bit. But in what world?

His mismatched eyes landed on a AU that had white wings at its side.


He grins. His strings slither around the world as he hacks himself in. Also, he thought he should blind in.

Angels right?

His body gliched as he entered the AU but when he was in, a pare of shadowed white wings with gold and red marks hinted on them.

Grinning he looked around. Everyone looked at peaceful at at calm. This land itself was only of the pure.

He tucked his wings in and began to walk forward threw the trees where he knew He would find a small skeleton.

As he walked he could hear the faint sound of wings fluttering.

He turned looked right up at sans, the small skeleton, he frose and he forgot he was in the air so his blue wings stoped flaping and he fell.

Using his strings he made sure the skeleton did not die. He knew if sans died Ink would be here before he wanted him to get here.

He quickly retracted his strings and grinned.

"Your... Your a skeleton..."

Error nodded his head. "So a-are you. Your poiNt?"

Sans seemed to shake his head to rid himself of his shock. Errors voice made him uncomfortable. "Well, uh... Never seen you before."

"Of course y-you haven't, I just got here you knOw."

"Oh. Well, where ya headin stranger?"

Error sighed. "If you must know, I'm on my w-way to Snowden to find something."

Sans permanent grin did not fade but Error saw the suspension in his eyes.

"And w-what is that?" Sans asks with a chuckle mimicking Errors gliched words the best he could.

"Depends, c-could be Undine, but I don't noRmally mess with her. Perhaps P-papyrus... I mess with you too much, it's predictable."

"What!?" Sans eye glew a bright blue as if readdy to attack.

"You a sans correct? Most Sans know of t-the Multi-verse."

Before Sans could attack Errors strings wraped around him reading his life's code. Sans struggled and Error grew impashent at once.

"Calm down! Your paNic will bring him here!"

Sans paused at the sound of another.

"I want answers..."


Error let the sans go and sans took a deep breath before looking at Error his glowing eye gone.

"You knOw of the Multi-verse, correct?"

Sans nodded.

"The o-one after me is the creaTor of the Multi-verse."

Sans tilted his head. "And the creator is after you because? And how do you know this?"

Error smiled. "Because I'm tHe creators o-opposite."

Sans eye glasses blue. "That would..."

"Make me the Destroyer. Think of us as gods. It's w-what most do."

Create And Destroy        (Error X Ink)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora