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Error frowns at the bloody skeleton in front of him.

"I'm not so sure about that Horror..."

Horrortale Sans, or Horror for short, grins. "But just think about it!"

Error looked away. Horror wanted to go on a rampage threw AUs.

"I am. But it's too risky."

Horror frounds. "But-"

"No." Error cuts him off sternly. "Were done here. I'm bored of Underkeep."

Lazily he takes the stolen crown off his head. Being king was fun for a while... But it got boring. Besides. It will reset soon.

He looks at his gang of misfits and shurg. "I'm heading out. You guys should go back to your AUs for a while."

He quickly gliched out before they could complain.

Sighing he looked out into the Anti-void.

" Home sweet re-birth."

Chuckling he looked up into the white nothingness.

Honstly it's been a long time since he had time to think.

His thoughts went straight to Ink.

He had not seen the Creator for almost a full year now. It was worrisome.

He admits that it's probably just his imagination but he swares Inks avoiding him.

Sighing he thinks about life in the Multi-verse. The skeletons have been beginning to mate together. A few even have kids.

Error almost laughed when he heard about Death and After having a kid. After's a protective mom though.

Chuckling to himself he did not realise someone joined him in the Anti-void.

A cry alerted him of the others presence.

His head shot around to see Ink. Holding... A child.

His eyes widen for a moment as Ink walked up closer to him refusing to make eye contact.

He instantly saw his resemblance in the child.

"Ink? It that...?"

Ink looked Error in the eyes and noded. "yes. This is our son."

Error could not think of anything to say and he guessed Ink took that as a bad thang.

"Y-you don't have to worry about raising him! I'll take care of him... I just thought you would like to know you have-"

Error speed close and Inks voice droped to a whisper. "A son."

Error brushes his hand aginst the child's face causing it to giggle.

He smiles softly. "My first creation..."

Ink smiles softly and allows Error to take the child to hold.

"He is perfect. Our little Paper Jam."

Ink smiles watching Error hold their child.

"Paper Jam?" He asks steping closer to Error.

"A perfect name for our child, don't you think?"

Ink nods his head. It was a perfect name.

He smiled as tears began to fall from his face causing Error to look at him.

"Ink? Ink, what's wrong?"

Ink smiles looking Error in the eyes. "Can we be a family now?"

Error grins leaning closer to kiss Ink.

"I will always be here for you. Even if you don't want me."

Ink smiles taking their child back in his arms.

"Were a family..." He whispers to his child smiling at the mostly asleep form.

Were a family.

Create And Destroy        (Error X Ink)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora