The Night Terror

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A constant problem.

Looking down at the town monsters going on with life. Most are sleeping at this time of night. What a waist. The night is beautiful. Only a few dared to stay up and enjoy the night.

Like this one, who was in dark clothing, but his green scalely skin was seen in the moonlight.

But he was not enjoying the night. He was using it. Useful little pire. The night hides one better than the day.

Error knew that more than a lot of monsters, how useful the night is. He thrives in the darkness. He did not care for what was going on but this unlucky fellow appears to have wondered into his spot for the night.

The the family of this house have been gone for three days. And he was planing to set fire to the place.

It has been a while since he done anything. Almost two months. He came here on low profile as soon as he heard about the ball. He attends them from time to time to see what he can find out.

Shaking his head he silently jumped off the roof he was perched on. He landed on the dirt ground with ease staying in the darker shadows.

He was powerful. He had many abilitys that monster would only dream of. He could rule. But where was the fun in that? It's funner to do little things, that make them scared. Things that make them fear, cower, run, and hide.

He could kill. But then he would not be amused.

He walked to the monster, trying to search the house for a easy way in.

"Hello good sir, may I ask what you are up too?"

The monster flinched and turned around, his black and purple eyes opend wide. "I'm... Jusst looking for my ring. I sseem to have losst it earlier."

Error nodded. "I see. Is this your ring?" He holds up a gold ring sporting a big diamond surrounded by tiny ones.

The lizards mouth drops for a moment before he quickly answers with haist.

"Yess! My ring! Thank you, kind ssir!"

Error grins. This was a ring he stole years ago from some rich ass spider family.

He holds it out for the monster to take.

The monster reaches greedily for it. But before he could touch it it Error pulled his hand back. His other hand came forward in a fist and his the lizard right in the snout.

He crys out in pain while Error kicks him in the side of his head knocking him out cold. What a pitfull monster.

Error looks at the house stareing at it. A common wood house. A yellow fanged grin widened.

A house fire can cause lots of commotion. And huge amounts of panic.

Lots of fun to watch.

Error looked down at his matches.

A pointless creation ment to help. Fire is commonly used for good thangs. Like cooking. Or a nice campfire.

But it's also forest fires, fur burners, skin burners, and house fires. Etc.

Error spread oil on the house two days ago. Oil that's going to burn. He lights the match smiling. Time for a little destruction.

Throwing one in it takes a moment for the fire to catch. Lights another. Throws into a different spot. Moves to the other side of the house and throws tree more in different places so the house would really burn.

Quickly, Error climes up the house he was just on. Soon a scream alerts the town of the fire. But it came from inside the house.

Shit! He did not need to kill anyone! If a death happed this close to the kingdom on the night before the ball it could be postponed. Or cancelled.

But his worry disappeared as monsters began to awake and start running around in a panic.

He could not stop the deep laughter from escaping him as he watched them all run around yelling and screaming about what to do.

He noticed a childs cry from inside and frowns. Shit. He dose not kill children. He may be rude and a jerk. But killing children was not his thang.

He watches as the firemen appear and smiles. They will save them in time. But this means he gets to wach the show!

Error laughs again when two firemen accident run into one another running for the water hose.

His laugh was heard and someone sceamed.

"It's the Night Terror!!!!"

Everyone began to scream and point and even if their panic was amusing hr had to get out of their. He's strong. But not even Error could take on 15 or more monsters at one time. He could barely handle 10.

Oh well. Error need to dress up. He has a ball to sneak into.

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