stay here tonight

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Ink led Error to a AU that was surrounded by stars. "Outertale, it's the perfect place for a date!" He exclaimed.

"Outertale, reaLly?"

"Yeah, my second creation. I made it because of how much I loved the night sky."

Error smiles. "AlriGhty, let's go."

Taking Inks hand he hacked them both into the world. they landed in a feald. Stars taken over sroundings. "Come on, let's go into town!"

Error smiled and let himself be draged by Ink untill they reached a small stand where a all too well known skeleton was.

He seemed surprised but kept quiet as the two skeletons ran up. "Two dogs please!" Ink asks.

Error rolled his mismatched eyes pulling out 'money.'

Sans grin widened. "A date huh?" Ink would have spoken if Error didn't.

"Indeed. Hes been g-giddy since I asKed."

Ink blushed rainbow and when sans handed them their food he winked. "Have a dogtastic night then."

Error nods while ink giggled.

"So w-where to now?" Error asks as ink eats his food.

Ink swallowed and looked at Error. "Let's just walk around, we'll find something to do."

And he was right. As the walked they ran into Papyrus who let Ink barrow his dating book, they made artificial snowmen of each other, the snowing being fake because they were in space.

Ink actually made both of them, Error got too frustrated with trying to create anything more than a heep of snow.

Ink laughed. "Oh common Error! Don't pout!"

Error grumbles looking away from Ink. He glared at the snow like it was it's fault.

Ink laughed again. "Alright, alright, I get it, come on, let's do something else."

Error followed Ink into a restraint. Grillby, stood there cleaning a glass cup.

Grillby was a hit guy. It took a lot, a hole lot, to piss him off. Killing sans turns out to be all you need to make him snap.

"Hia!" Ink exclames. "Hello..." His voice sounded like the crackling of fire and winded like fire in the wind together.

"We woUld like whatever you have for c-couples." Error says before Ink could ask for fries.

Grillby nodded. He walked away then came back with a ice cream drink. "The crumbs are newboren star flakes, everything else was hand made. On the house." He adds seeing Error getting readdy to pay.

Error nodded and looked at Ink smiling.

Taking a spoon he gets the ice cream on it and lean over. "Say A-Ahhhh~" he says making Ink blush.

Taking the bite he savers the tast.

"Is it gOod?"

Ink nods his head with his mouth full.

"I s-suppose I'll try some too then."

Ink was more than supried when Error grabed him kissing him deeply. Closing his eyes he melted into the kiss just like the ice cream melting between their dancing toungs.

Error pulls away letting ink gasp for breath. "TaSty~"

Ink flushes rainbow and silently eats the rest of the food himself.

Grillbys Fire had a hint of pink in it. Error winks at him and Grilby nod's his head.

When Ink was done eating they had a rase to the milky way. In outertale it was like a waterfall of stars.

It was beautiful. Ink looked at Error suggested they stay their for a while.

So currently they were looking at the stars.

Ink was pointing at them all and trying to make up shapes with the Stars while Error just smiled glad Ink was happy.

But as time when on Error knew he had to leave.

It was getting late and Ink needed his rest. And he needed to get back.

"You know, tHis has been f-fun." Error said sitting up.

Ink copies the movement.

"But, I should l-leave now."

He got up and streched, his clothes gliching back to his original outfit.

Ink grabed Errors hand before he could move again. "Wait!"

Error looked down at the beginning ink.

"I don't understand... Why are you leaving?"

"BecaUse you need you rest. And if I-I stay here, were going to do more thaN that."

Ink blushes but asks another question. "W-why today? Why go on a date?"

"Because its goIng to be a veary long t-time till I see you again."

"What do you mean?"

"Were not the s-strongest creaTures in the Multi-verse, or the o-only."

Ink would have said something but Error cut him off with a stern, no argument, leave it alone voice.

"You wouLdn't understand."

Ink pulled his hand away before standing up and wraping his arms around Error. Error looked like he wanted to back away, but Inks lips cover his.

"You can't leave me..."

Errors hands grip Inks waist.


Ink shakes his head. "No... You can't... You always leave in the night...."

Error looks down. "W-would you like mE to stay here?"

Ink nodded. "what happened to you when you dissapeard?"

Error sighed. "The same thang that g-going to hapPen after I leave yoU." Ink had questions running thew his mind.

But Errors tone of voice cut it all away. Leaning up ink kissed Error deeply. Error let Ink kiss him as he pulled Ink closer to him. Hes going to miss this.

Hes going to be gone before Ink wakes up.

After all...

Gasters not someone you keep waiting.








Beware of the man who speaks in hands

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