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--one year ago--

Error looked around the voids.

Why he was here he was not so sure. He felt the Presence of something out of place.

He knew it was not his imagination because the dam thing ran into him. It's speed outmatched his, and even Inks!

Glaring he knew what to do. Ink has only let one of his creations out of their AU, and that was the Aftertale sans.

But that thang was leading himself to his own demise and could never move that fast.

Did ink create another creature to go outside the boundaries? His eyes narrow as he should go to Ink and find out.

Of course, it did not take long for Error to find Ink.

Ink made himself his own room to practice his art and work on ideas. If he was not working, creating another AU, or chasing Error he was in the Art Box, as he called it.

Error had a room himself. When he started taking sans and thangs he took over a failed room and made it his room. Cords, strings, and levers littlerd the room where a few stollen creatures were.

And puppets. Everyone had a hobby and Errors were puppets. He did not really have a name for his room. Could not create a good name.

Ink was currently using one of his smaller paintbrushes to draw what looked like a battle between Undyne and Sans.

"Sans w-will win, riGht?"

Ink yelps droping his paintbrush as he scrambled for battle.

"Chill. Just waNa talk."

Ink looked at Error and sighed.

"You know how I hate it when you drop in unannounced."

Error shurged. "I could gEt your attenTion the usual way and-"

"No! That's unnecessary! What do you want to talk about?"

It had been two human years since they found out about their past. They now has a strange love hate relationship. Sometimes they hate, sometimes they don't.

"Just wondering wHat your up t-to. Any nEw exotic creations?"

Ink rolled his eyes. "No. They're all kept to the boundarys of their world. Even Aftertale can't stray too far."

Error and Ink were the only ones who could even see the AUs. And each AU had three walls.

The first one was the AU itself. The the next wall is a thin one, the rest save room. Normally only the human would be able to go their. Then the last wall. It's usually just for protection. Bit occasionally a monster gets to it, like frisk, Chara, and sans. And thos who get their can leek into the Multi-verse.

"Really? N-nothing new huh?"

"Yeah. Ever since your... Tantrum... About me making thangs able to roam in the Multi-verse I been keeping them in their worlds."

Error glared at Ink. "I did Not have a t-tantrum."

He just went to each AU destroying a few thangs, causing mayhem in a few of them... Were getting off topic.

Ink laughed softly. "Sure."

Error thought back to what hit him earlier.

"Do mE a favor."

Error grabs Inks shoulders making him look into his mismatched eyes.


"Be careful. DOnt go around c-carelessly."

Create And Destroy        (Error X Ink)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora