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Ink awoke to the sound of a scream.

He instantly knew where he was when he looked around.

For the past four weeks, a month after his and Errors date, hes been waking up into horror.

Error grins but his grin would glich between a horrified face and the grin.

"Error..." Ink says softly reaching out.

Error takes a step back dancing as he laughed a laugh so unnatural Ink flinched.

Errors gasters appear behind him and at once ink took his paintbrush making a colorful wall of protection from the blast.

"Error stop!"

Error and Ink always fought. But never has he seen Error with such a killing intent.

Error laughed bones flying everywhere as ink struggled to dodge them all.

Ink screamed as a bone hit his arm cracking it. Pain flaring into his soul.

Ink glares taking out his paintbrush, readdy to attack. Error grins and when his face gliched to the sad one, he was smileing.

Is this what he wants?

Error raised his hands up summoning more gasters and ink glared jumping up actually landing on one of the bones that were flying at him. Running forward, he knew he was crying.

He could not attack Error. Not like this.

Error noticed this and frowns. But a grin takes over just as quickly. Running forward he charges at Ink.

Inks eyes widen as Error pulls a knife out of his jacket pocket.

Where did he get that!?


Error grins as Ink crys. One deep cut across Inks body. Cracking right to his soul.

"YoUr learning... Good... Then it's n-not hopeless..."

Learning what?! What was different this time? Ink tryed to fight back.

Inks eyes flash open as he breathed heavily. The same nightmare, but for once Error spoke.

He could not help but feel like Error was trying to help him. But in a horrible way. Whatever Error was doing, these nightmares are a key.

Sighing he looks thew to see how his creations were doing.

He knew Error returned the stolen monsters and has not been around. But he checks almost hopeful somethings wrong.


Ink looks at one of his AUs. He only just created it the other day.

A Chara was missing.


(Short chapter I know.)

Create And Destroy        (Error X Ink)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora