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Error looked around the anti-void. The empty white land he woke up in.

He did not know how he got their. Or why he was so... Alone.

He looked down at his hands, that glitched in place for a moment, then went to its original place.

Shaking his head he looked at his code.

How he knew about his code he did not know, just that he knew their was a fault in it.

Error symbols covered his body.

He shook his head. He could not find the fault but he knew one was in his code somewhere.

He looked around, a glare in his dark mismatch eyes.

He did not feel alone. He was.

The white anti-void without another to speak to. A vast land without color.

Error began to wonder around. Knowing he would grow lazy if he stayed in one place too long. And he has been sleeping long enough.

He felt like something was missing inside him. And it hurt.

He fostered the feeling. Holding it with him.

Looking up he noticed something. In the distance was something. It was not white, but colorful.

As he got closer he saw it. He did not know what to think of it. It was bright. Made with colors, making a... Rainbow.

He reached out hesitating before brushing his bony fingers across the colors.

He could feel the life from the art. It was bright and made with care and joy.

His teeth clinched together as hatred ran threw him.

The colors told him that their was something out their.

The colors made him feel even more alone and pain runs into his soul. How could it.

He wanted it gone.

Just as the thought ran threw his mind strings seemed to appear and wrap around the rainbow.

He looks at his fingers, covered in strings, and slowly close his hand. The more he closed his hand the more the strings tightened around the rainbow. Squeezing it and tugging it.

Then in one swift movement he closes his hand into a fist. Breaking the rainbow. Shattering it. He sees the code of the art fly threw his eyes.

And then he deletes the created code. And he felt better. The pain lessened but his loneliness did not change.

Create And Destroy        (Error X Ink)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora