The Royal Painter

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Colors of the rainbow, light, bright, and eye catching. But the colors of the night hidden behind the brightness can confuse you, make you wonder why it's their.

A frown in the light, a grin in the darkness.

Fear in the eyes of the frown.

A twisted laugh in the eyes of the grin.

Fear rules the world more than anything else.

"Hello? Ink?"

Ink drops his brush surprised at the full voice from behind him. "Ah!"

Ink turns around to see one of the castle's butlers standing at his doorway.

"Oh, sorry Ink, I did not mean to ruin your concentration. But the Queen wishes for your presence in the main hall."

"Yes, of course. I will be right their."

The Butler bows then heads off. Ink looks at the painting he was working on. A black shadow of dark colors corrnerd the light. A dark smile of red was in the shadows and in the light was a frighted face trying to hid behind bright colors.

It was beautiful.

He sets his paint tray down on the small table next to him and began his way to  main hall.

He has been here in the castle as long as he could remember. At fist he was a simple page boy. But when the king and queen discovered he could paint, he became the Royal painter.

His artwork were always proudly displayed in the castle where the king thought it would look the best.

"Ink! Thank you for meeting me."

Ink looked up at the Queen. Fur  covered her body and long ears hung down to her shoulders. Her teeth slightly fanged.

She had kind eyes and small horns on her head.

"No need to thank me, if you need me I'm more than glad to help with whatever it is you want or need." Ink spoke giving a slight bow.

The Queen sighs loudly. "Yes, but do you help me for who I am or what I am."

Ink was never known to lie. "Both. I help you because I trust you. Your kind and never unfair. But your also the Queen of the lands. And I'm no trater to the kingdom I love."

The Queen smiles telling him she was pleased with his response.

"That's good to know. Now Ink, as you know tomorrow night were hosting our yearly ball. Where everyone gathers together to talk and meet. But a few monsters are curious to who you are. You never join party's, balls, get-togethers, or anything."

Ink tilts his head slighly in confusion. What did any of this need him for?

"So I want you to join this year's ball. It will give monsters a chance to meet you and to know your to thank for the beautiful artwork around the castle."

Ink paused. Join a ball? Oh no. Oh no, no, no. "My Queen, I c-cant join a ball. I don't feel comfortable around large groups of monsters! It freaks me out! I can't stand being stared at by many monsters it scares!"

The Queen looked at Ink with a stern glare. "Then don't put yourself in groups of monsters. Eather way, your joining this year's ball tomorrow. If I don't see you their i will let Undyne deal with you."

Ink nodes his head quickly. Undyne was strong and used vilonce as a answer to almost everything. And she also had high respect for royalty. She would not take kindly to anyone who upsets them.

"As you wish my Queen. I will be there."

She smiles before flinching as the door slams open. The king, who was normally kind and gentle, was fuming in anger.

The Queen rushes to her husbands side at once. "Asgore, my love, what is wrong?"

The king took a deep breath to calm himself before answering.

"It was the Night Terror. He destroyed a house last night. He burnt it to the ground and laughed as he traped two monsters inside. A mother and her child. They got out, but not without a few burns."

"So close? I will tell the guards to keep a look out and warn our son to be careful."

Ink has heard of the Night Terror before. It was said that he only came out at night, and loved to destroy thangs. But Ink had to admit, the Night Terror was bad. But has never killed a innocent monster. He has however killed a few thugs the towns were afraid of.

But even though that was good, he had a habit to destroy thangs. Ink sighs and begins to head up to his room. He had to get thangs readdy for tomorrows ball.

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