Errors games

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Error did not care for most of the souls he collected. He took them because he knew Ink would chase him.

The chase always felt like he knew what was happing. Like he felt this way before.

Sometimes Ink would do something that made his glitching out of control.

It would make him think back to the fault in his code. Something was missing. It was not a fault, but more like a memory. As if it was deleted from his files.

He shakes his skull to rid himself of such thoughts.

He looks back down at Swaptale watching the skeleton Papyrus fret and run around. Even after so many months he was restlessly looking for his brother. Any way to get his sweet little sans back.

He loved watching them suffer in their own ways.

Error looked up and laughed. He was bord. He wanted another game to play.

Ink was currently in reapertale returning a soul so why not mess with a few things?

He moves down the long path looking at different AUs that Ink created.

He deleted the practice ones and a few that just had to go. The finished ones he left to mess with. He did not care for anything he found or stole. Just that when he did something Ink would appear.

He could not explain it but he loved to see Ink, he loved watching Ink get frustrated at him for messing with things.

And he liked to annoy him.

His blue strings wrap around Underfell as he begins to hack himself in. Ink keeps changing the codes as if it would keep him out.

Error smirked in victory as he was in. He lands in the snow and looks around.

He did not come in here often. His eyes watch as a tall skeleton was screaming at a smaller one.

"Sans! You lazy trash! I told you to stay at you post!!"

"S-sorry Boss... I - I missed breakfast... So I thought..."

"Thought!? When do you ever have those?!"

Error could not help but laugh. The attude of that monster was nice.

Apparently he laughed too loud because both skeletons turned to him. Oh.

The tall one spoke first.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"W-what are you?" The smaller skeleton continued noticing his glitching.

"I'm C-c-cAlleD Error."

They both seemed taken back by his voice.

"I-i JusT w-waNted S-someThinG From Y-you." Error continued pointing at the taller skeleton.

"Me? If its a fight don't bother. I don't have time for small fries."

Error laughed. He could take that skeleton with ease. But he wanted something else.

"N-no. I waNt Y-y-yoUr Sans."

The smaller skeleton, sans, looked up at his brother then back at Error.

"W-what?" He asks confused.

"You can't have him! He's mine!" Papyrus snapped bones starting to rise.

"O-oh. B-buT I WasNt a-aSkiNg."

Blue strings wrapped around the smaller skeletons soul yanking him tords Error. Error laughed as the sans trembled trying to escape.


Error glitched out right before a bone attack hit him.

Sans eyes widened as he was brought to the multi-verse. "W-where are we?"

Error laughed.

"D-diD yOu ThiNk y-y-yoU wEre t-thE onLy onEs o-oUt tHeiR?"


Error turned around to see Ink standing behind him paintbrush right next to his skull.

"oH. Ink. H-hellO, LikE m-my New F-f-friend?"

Error waved sans around like a ragdoll in front of Ink, showing off his prize.

Ink turned a soft shade of red in his anger. "Give me that soul back now!"

Error laughed. "N-no. I'm g-gOing tO k-keeP hIm."

Error knew Ink could not hurt him without risking the souls life. He already won.



"Did you come from the anti-void as well?"

Error froze. His body glitching into place.

As well? Him too?

"Your not answering me. Is that a yes?"

Error realized he needed to get away. He let lose of sans soul before looking back at a wide eyed Ink.

He glitches out going back to the anti-void.

Create And Destroy        (Error X Ink)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora