Error can't loose

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Error looked around his room calmly, his cold eyes on his cables hanging everywhere. He use to have them tangled around Inks stolen creations. Mostly sans.

He knew that life was moving on but like in his past life he was stuck in his own hell. Expeshuly since Gasters done studying his soul.

Soon Gaster will have his thangs ready and then, once again, Gaster will experiment on Errors soul and body.

Hes tested Errors limits and knows them. But even so he's going to push past them.

Error lazed on his cords like they were a hamic.

He could run, but Gaster can find him. Turns out Gaster put a tracker on him when they first ment in this time.

That, and Gasters far from fun when angry.

"So this is where you hide."

Errors eyes snap open to see below him was Chara with a large grin and he favorite knife.

Error glared. "What yOu doing h-here, kid?"

Chara laughed and pointed the knife at him. "Nothing much. Just getting rid of some trash!"

Error paused and jumped down so they were both on the ground. Looking in her eyes he saw how serious she was.

"Did Gaster giVe you permission?" Error asks.

Chara glared. "Your a sorry excuse of his son. I'll take your place as his favorite and he'll finally see the benefits of choosing me!" She says laughing.

Error shakes his head. "Trust m-me kid, you don't wAnt the attention I get. You k-know what I am to Gaster. And it's sure as hell n-not his son."

Chara shakes her head. "No matter! Your still a sorry sack of bones who only acts like he doesn't care! I know what you really think."

She smiles softly. "Think of it as me doing you a favor. If your dead you can sleep forever!" She laughed out standing ready to attack.

Error looked at the child before him with a grin. He finally gets to really hurt the brat.

The Monstrosity Gaster created. she had a killer look in her eyes and has her knife raised at point.

How cliché.

"Lisson here k-kid, to challenge me is fooLish."

Chara takes a step forward as if dareing him.

Error sighed feeling bord. Gaster had him train Chara. And as she was stronger than the AUs her power matched a sans. Perhaps better.

Gaster blasters appear behind him as he raised his arm causing Chara to pause supried.

He never brought them out around her so she did not know they exdisted.

"Fine. Let's make y-your fear chine." Errors grin widened. It's about time he gets to beat this kid.

"Hope y-you know the rules. It's all live or dIe."

Chara shook her head to rid herself of her dought.

Wrong move.

She began to run forward and unlike when Error was training her, he did not slow his attack.

Bis bones shot and Error toyed with her, his gasters blasting at her put purposely missing. His movements get her to retreat back, putting space Between them.

Surprisingly she was moving faster than Error thought. One of his bones grased her cheek but other than that she douged his bones impressively.

"That's crul Error... You'll ruin my pritty face."

Error shurged. "Things like m-me aren't afraid of beiNg cruel."

Error glares as she douged another blast and thew her knife at him. He moves back and the knife barly missed him.

His eyes widen before. He turned back to her, she already had another knife out.

"Your g-going to have to try harder than that yoU dirty little fucker!"

Charas eyes glew red in rage as she lunged forward. But Error douged missing the knife.

Chara was re programed to be gasters pawn, she had core injections and is as strong as a sans. Or stronger. But Error was still stronger.

Errors moved his cords forward aiming for her soul but she moved back and instead he got her leg.

Her eyes widen as Error grins and lifts her up. He swong her around smashing her into the walls of the room before letting her go in mid air.

She flew into some of his cords and struggles only getting more tangled. It took her a little while to deside to cut her way out.

Error was in Charas face before she was ready to attack. "Did you really thInk you h-had a chance? When were done here, y-you'll be in a caGe of your w-worst nightmare." He threatened.

Cara slashed at him but he slid back quickly, laughing at her pointless effort.

Chara lounges again narrowly missing Errors chest. Errors eyes open in surprise at her speed.  His eyes read into her and the anger she was radiating was make the core inside her body bubble.

It was helping her move faster.

Chara smiled seeing the surprise in his eyes and began to lash forward in an array of quick attacks and Error was beginning to struggle to dodge them.

He leaned back as the knife came forward then to the side to excape a kick. His eyes widened as she jumped and landed in front of him her knife going tords him.

His strings shot forward to her soul. "I won't give yOu that c-chance!"

Her eyes widen and at once she bends back as far as she could. But she fell off balance and fell to her back.

Error stood before her with a a dark glare and a huge smile.

"I hope y-you don't expect Mercy."

Gasters appear behind him and bones floated dangerously all aimed and ready to attack Chara.

"If you t-thought you had a chance, your morE foolish t-than I thought."

His strings streched out wraping around her soul dangerously tight causing her to scream.

He was going to kill her.

But for a moment he swares he heard Inks voice telling no.

He loosened his grip so Chara was not screaming anymore.

Chara laughed despite her situation. "You really are weak!"

Error glared.

"My Errors and glitches m-make it hard to sEe, but I'm determined to keep g-going. I hAve a bone in e-each world, I'm half alive, haLf dead. I'm n-not weak Chara. To try tO kill someone standing betWeen deaths door was a foolish i-idea Chara."

Chara struggled and to Errors surprise she began to loosen his cords. "I refuse to loose!" She yells angerly.

Error let his strings out to cover her. "you really a-are foolish."

Closing his eyes his strings swarm her body.

She struggled for breath as his cables wraped around her soul.

"Time for a r-reboot."

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