to dress up for a date

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When Ink appeared in the Anti-void Error was already waiting with a grin.

"You honEstly came?" He says chuckleing.

Ink blushed in response. "You can't kiss me and expect me to ignore you request afterwards."

Error grins walking over to ink. "In reAlity, you hoping for a-another kiss arnt ya?"

Ink flushes rainbow.

"ThougHt so. But I have something e-else we can do."

Inks blush grew brighter.

"You dirty boy. Not that. PerhaPs another t-time..."

He yanks Ink into him to whisper that. Kissing Inks cheekbone.

"t-then what?" Ink stutters embarrassed of his dirty mind.

"A date."

Their was a pause.


"I want to see whAt you like. So your g-going to take me out fOr a date to do w-whatever you want. I'll pay though."

Ink stood their agape for a moment. "Really?"

Error nodded.

Inks eyes lit up in joy as he crashed himself into Error arms.

"Yes! This will be so much fun! Just wait! But first..." Ink looked Error up and down frowning.


"You need different clothes. You can't expect us to go on a date how we are."


Ink grins. "And I got just the outfit!"

Ink pulls out his paintbrush and sets to work, midnight blue and white, a jacket and a pare of looses work out pants. Smiling ink thew the clothing at Error.

"Try these on!" He giggles moving away to make his own clothing.

Error complied, switching out his clothes for the one Ink thew at him.

He looked over at Ink and smiles. He looked so cute. he was changing into some of his own clothing.

Afterwards ink looked cute, but Error admitted he would have preferred ink to remain undressed.

Giggling Ink ran over. He seemed really happy to go on a date. "Let's take a picture!" He exclaimed.

Error smiles and they got closer so they would both be in the picture.

"So wheRe we going?" Error asks at last.

Ink grins. "Cone on! I know just the AU!"

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