A little talk (part 1)

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Error looked around the anti-void wondering how he was going to get Ink here. It was not the funnest place in the Multi-verse.

He knew their was more than this. Why was he here? He dose not need answers this badly as to ask Ink for any.

He begins to make a pathway out to leave when he hears his name.


Ink came into the anti-void intending to stay their untill Error came back. He knew he was risking his AUs but he wanted answers more than anything.

When he entered the empty void he hugged himself. It always felt so cold here, and not because of the temperature, but because of bland sorrow he felt when inside the void.

He was shocked when he saw Error upon his arrival. He did not expect him to find Error this quickly.

He calls out Errors name just when Error looked like he was about to leave. And upon hearing Inks voice Error turned around.

"W-whY aRe Y-yOu heRe?"

His overly glitched voice in this void made him think of a time when Errors voice was not so glitched... What?

"I... I want to talk to you..."

Error was glad he was not the one who had to ask. But he was still snappy.


Ink seemed to hesitate before taking a deep breath and clinching part of his prized scarf in his hand.

"Us. Who we are... What we are... Why do I have memory's of you that I don't rember making? Why is it no matter what you do I can't stay mad? Why do you feel so familiar, but like a complete stranger at the same time?"

Error was a little surprised that Ink blurted all that out in one go. Almost every question he wanted to ask was just asked to him!

Error turned his body around and looked into Inks colorful, mismatch eyes. He could see fear and a need. A need for answers. He could also see how nervous Ink was, how he squirmed feeling Errors gase on him.

"W-wE c-caN taLk..."

Ink almost fainted. He did not think Error would be so willing.

"LEts c-cAll TruCe f-For nOw."

Ink could not be happier. "Alright! Deal!"

Ink watches as Error sits on the floor before copying his actions.

"Error," Ink begins. "You started here too, right?"

Ink watches as Error glitched for a moment before he sighed.

"Y-yoU cOulD s-s-Say I WokE u-up H-heRe."

Ink inspects Error. "Woke up?"

"Y-yes. WhEn I a-a-awOke I wAS l-liKe tHis. I a-alSo NotIced a f-fEw FauLts i-in My C-codes."

"A few faults in your code? Did you fix them?"

Error laughed. "I-i hAve bEen t-tRyiNg tO. B-buT t-tHe CodE iS m-moRe ComPleXed t-thAn EveN i-i cAn HaNdle. I-im w-woRkiNg T-to crAck It T-thoUgh."

Ink paused for a moment to think.

"Are they like my code? Different than yours?" Ink did not know much about his code, all he knew is what Error has told him, that it's the opposite of his.

"I-in A w-way, Y-y-yeS."

Ink nodded. "Do you think I might know the answer?"

Error had to pause for a moment. He never thought about that.

He searched his code and found one of the faults. He reads it over before showing it to Ink.

Ink watches shocked as blackish green numbers and letters began to float orderly around them.

They kept changing untill they stopped. They froze in front of ink who scooted back a little in his shock. This was Errors code? He could not understand any of it.

What did the numbers and letters mean?

"T-thIs iS onE T-t-thE fAulTs."

Ink looked over the numbers and letters before him but could not make since of it. Hesitantly Ink reached out as if to touch it, but stopped right before his fingers brushed against it.

He glances at Error who looked like he was holding his breath. "May... May I?"

Error wanted to say no. Any wrong move could mess up his code entirely, it could even destroy his existence.

Error nodded his permission.

Ink brushed his hand against it. And at once it seemed to shrink down into his hand. Ink watched amazed as the numbers and letters shrunken and shaped themselves into a ball.

Error was shocked at the movement, he did not know what to expect but they really did surprise him. He tried to say something when he realised something. He could not speak. It was as if his voice was gone.

Ink rolled the strange ball in his pom, being as gentle as he could. He felt like he has done something similar to this before. Like a distant memory.

Looking up he noticed that Error was trying to speak but each time he opened his mouth nothing came out, and he just got angry.

Ink paused for a moment before realising something. Errors codes are a part of him. So if he can't speak... Ink looks down at the code ball in his pom.

"This... This is your speech! One of your faults is your speech!"

Ink rembered that he once thought Errors voice was not always as bad as it is.

Error made motions that he already knew that then pointed at the ball then himself. He wanted his codes back.

Ink nodded looking down at the codes. He leans down a little flushing a light rainbow as his 'lips' press against the codes causing it to jolt.

The ball glew and the numbers rearranged themselves and some of the letters changed. Ink watched shocked before Error reached out and grabbed the ball.

Error snatched his codes out of Inks hands. What did he do to his codes!? He takes the codes in trying to see the damage before anything could happen.

"W-what did yOu d-do!?"

Both skeletons froze. Errors voice still had the glitch to it but his voice was much easier to understand.

"Your voice..." Ink mumbled. His voice was fixed. It was not exactly how Ink thought of it, but it sounded so close to the one in his memory.

Error himself was shocked. His voice was not glitched out of control anymore.

"H-how dId you do t-that?"

Error asks his voice low as he was unsure of it.

Ink could barely answer. "I... I don't know..."

Error took a small breath before speaking, deeper as he assured himself of his voice.

"I bEleave y-y-you fixed the code u-up."

Ink was shocked. How did he do that? He thought back to what happened. He kissed it then it began to change. Dose he have magical kisses!? He flushed rainbow as he embarrassed himself. He dose not have magical kisses.

"How did I..."

"It dOse not m-matteR. W-we have more i-important thAngs t-to taLk about."

Ink nodded slowly.

Error wanted answers too. But it was his turn to ask questions. So Ink fixed his code up, it was not something to pond over. After all, they were magic. Anything could happen.

"It's m-mY tuRn to ask queStions."

Ink nods his his head softly.

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