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Error kisses Inks neck causing him to shiver when his toung ran across his neck.

"E-error... No..."

He kisses his way up to Inks mouth, ignoring Inks trembling and pleas to stop.

"Error, please."

Error slames their mouths together with a loud clank, the forse making Ink gasp and giving Error a chance to slide his toung in his mouth.

Tears slid down as Ink closed his eyes. His arms wraping around Error trying to pull him closer. He kissed Error back glad he was being gentle.

Error closed his eyes as he focuses his soul onto Ink.

Ink could feel the pressure on his soul as Errors soul essence srounded his soul like a shield.

"No- mm~... Error st-hnn~"

Error forced Ink to shut up as he blocked his words with his kisses. Pulling away began to kiss down his neck again.

Ink wimperd and shiverd when Error kissed his mark. He knew what Error was doing. And he did not want it.

"Ahh~ E-error... No ... P-please..." Tears slid down his eyes as his shot open wide. His Soul felt like it was being squeezed by many strings wraping his soul up before relxing.

The essence of Errors soul was now protecting Inks soul.

Leaving Errors soul defenseless.

Ink cryed softly as Error kisses his way to Inks forhead. "I'm sorry my mate."

Error could see the hurt in Inks eyes. It hurt him but it was for Inks own good. Within the next few hours everything will be gone. But he will save Ink. Even if he destroys his soul in the process.

He looks over and his eyes land on a certain tree. He lays Ink down and trys to walk to it but Ink grabed his arm. Seeing his eyes he sighs. "Your not going to like this."

Inks eyes show confusion.

"I'm going to make my soul stronger by forse... By placing the exact stuff that will destroy us, into me."

Error reaches up and pulls out a glass bottle partway filled with a pure white substance. It was hidden in an old owls nest.

"Error, no... Please don't... I don't want this... What if we just tell them to stop?"

Error frowns. "They won't, because they can't. The core is tooken from where it belonged."

"The core?"

"It's what it's called. They took it from the depths of our lands within the soil. Without its natural resources that keep it in check they can't fix it. It's too late to put it back."

"How do you know all of this?"

"Because I was once one of them. I worked with the lead scientist. Gaster knows what he's doing and is even experimenting on himself with the core. Gaster even used me for experiments. The reason I'm different, is because of that docter. He raised me after all. My father."

Ink looked at Error. He felt like he should be mad that Error never told him this. But instead he felt broken.

"Why me?"

"I don't understand."

"Why protect me? You can save yourself..."

"Because I love you. I refuse to let you go from the world. I love to see you blush, I love to play tricks that get you so frustrated, I like to watch you talk about your art even though sometimes it's quite boring. Because I don't want you to stop."

"You don't want me to stop what?"

"Being you. To stop what you love. I'm saving you so you can continue. To become the creator I've always seen."

"But what's a creator without the destroyer?" Ink asks when Error opens the bottle. Tears that shown each color of the rainbow but dimmed out falling down his cheekbones.

Error paused looking at Ink. "I'm determined to help you. Determination is why I'm able to do this."

Ink watched in shock as Error took a needle out of his pocket and fill it with the core. Then as he shouts no Error pulled his soul out, a pure black with a dim glow, and stayed into it.

The core dissapeard inside Errors soul and red like cracks began to come into view. Error clinches his yellow fangs together in pain as he droped the needle.

He drops to the ground withering as he clinched his chest where his soul belonged. The soul returned to him instinctively. A black and red glow from his chest.

Ink screamed and ran to Error doing all he could to pull Error into him as he huged with trembling Skelton. Error grabed ink and huged him with a grip that Ink felt pain.

Errors soul felt out of place, when he closed his eyes he did not want to open them. He barly realised he was crying untill Ink pulled him in more. His arms were wrapped around Inks spine where his stomach would have been, his face buried into Inks ribs.

He could feel Ink kiss his forhead gently muttering.

"Shh... Y-your going to be alright... I promise... The pain will go away... I'm h-here... Don't leave me.... Please don't leave me..."

His eyes opend and he pulled away, the pain has lessened.


Just like in gasters research. Codes are what make everything in our universe. But the normal eye could never see them.

He could see them all.

The trees, the grass, the sky, even Inks.

"Ink..." Error mutters weakly. How long has he been crying? It feels like it's been forever.

Ink was crying. "I'm sorry..."

Ink looked at Error. "You big dummy!" He yells crying.

"You can't leave me!"

Error sat up, struggling to not clasps.

"I refuse! I won't let you leave my life. I'm yours, your mine. We can't be apart. We belong."

Error reached his hand up but Ink slapped it away angerly.

"No! You can't expect me to be alright with this! Why save me? I'll be alone, I'll never hear your voice... I'll never see you or touch you..."

Error watched as Ink leand into him taking his hand and placing it over his chest, where his soul hid behind.

Error could see what the codes said. "Because your supposed to live."

"Don't say that! Why me!? Why me!?"

"Your going to create, your going to remake. I'll just slow you down... Were too different. I'll get bored, because it's in my nature to destroy."

"It's not good enough! Thats a reason! I want a answer! Why are you doing this?"

The ground shudders vilontly and they both fall down. When did they get up?

Error clinched his fanged teeth together. "Because I would not be able to rest peacefully knowing I could have did something to save you and did nothing!"

Ink get his tears fall faster as he forsed himself into Errors arms pressing his mouth aginst Errors with a loud clank.

Error uses his soul to form a shield around them. The added power conflicted with the white forse that hit them. Error pulled away from Ink as his body glew.

Ink felt like he was floting. It took him a moment to realise Error was no longer holding him. Before he could yell anything a white light srounded him. His eyes closed.

Error lost Ink and looked around franticly. But his shield was cracking. His souls new cracks oosed with red slime as he screamed in pain, his body feeling like it was being torn and forsed back together. In a way he felt like he was melting.

A black darkness takes over as he slowly losses conscious.

(I went everywhere on this chapter huh...)

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