Inks challenges

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Ink has found it hard to hurt Error. But he knew Error deserved it.

Sometimes ink would hunt Error down himself to try to retrieve the soul Error stole.

The Multi-verse was quickly learning about Ink and Error thanks to Error causing mischief and Ink being seen chasing him, Ink was was God.

In some ways Ink could see that. He was their creator, and he was trying to protect them. And he was trying to get the stolen souls back.

Ink chased after Error but most of their encounters involved battles. And all Ink wanted to to was have a chance to talk to Error.

He could not explain it but he knew their was a reason for his behavior.

His creations made Error feel alone. Ink was sure of it. And he even as they fought, as they hurt each other, as they yelled insults.

Ink wanted to talk to him. He has seen Error in the anti-void many times. Ink thought he was the only one that knew of that void.

He may dislike wat Error was doing but deep down he felt like he was missing something. Like he knew Error in a way. In a deeper way.

He looked around Underfell. Where Error was currently hidden. Ink looked around before sighing.


Ink has no idea why he was yelling out Errors name. He answers from time to time with a chuckle but most of the time says nothing.

Ink paused for a moment looking down at the ground. No answer.

Ink growned. Error took a soul from Reapertale, the soul of Toriel.

"Y-yoU CalLed, Ink?"

Ink screams as he heard the over gliched voice from behind him. At once he turned around, paintbrush at the readdy.

Error laughs deeply. "whaT a-a g-g-GirLy ScreAm!"

Ink flushes every color of the rainbow adding more color to his face.

"Shut up! Just give me that soul back!"

Ink glared as Error revealed the pinkish purple soul wrapped in blue strings.

"T-thIs sOul?"

Ink reaches out for it but Error tightens his grip squeezing the soul. Ink at once pulled his hand back to him.

"D-donT bE h-h-HastY NoW." Error tisked loosening his grip as Ink pulled his had away.

"You have no need for this soul! Return it to me!" Ink demands.

"Oh? N-no nEEd? B-buT i D-donT haVe a-a g-goAts sOuL."

Ink wanted to say something that would make him let the soul go but nothing came to mind.

"Error, please! Give the soul back! I thought you hated the goat monster, why want one now?"

Ink watches as Error smiles. "B-becUse I dOnT h-h-HaVe oNe."

"Please! Anything else! But give me the soul back!"


Ink paused for a moment. Was Error willing to make a deal?

"As long as it's not another soul..." Ink mumbles softly.

"bEg. O-oN y-y-YouR KneEs."

Ink blinked. Beg?

He scanned the dark error marked face to see that Error was completely serous.

And that was it? Just beg?

Ink eyed Error who made no movement other than to watch. It was worth a try.

Ink went to the ground landing on his feet looking up at Error still floating in the sky watching him.

Error always did like to try new thangs.

Ink sank to his knees and looked up with the biggest puppy dog eyes he could muster.


His hands were wraped around his body as if protecting it.

Error seemed to glitch out of control for a moment and then his body seemed to steam for a moment. As if he was overheated. Error symbols covered his body more and just as it happed it stoped.

Error was back to normal in the blink of an eye. His strings left the soul allowing it to float down to Ink.

Ink took the created life into his hands and looked up just in time to watch Error glich into the anti-void.

What was that?

Create And Destroy        (Error X Ink)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora