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--present time--

"I hope your havIng sweet dreams Ink. Because I'm n-not."

Error says out loud. He looks at Gaster who was smileing widely. It's been a few months since The date. And Error had a since of dread.

It took a lot out of him but he's been sending nightmares to Ink.

Ink needs to not hestate when attacking. He needs to learn, when the time comes, to attack.

"Error, I neeed your ssoul..."

Error chuckled. Even though he felt a bit hallow he could not say no.

"We been t-thew this Gaster. I caNt take my soul o-out of me."

Gasper chuckled in his sicking voice. "I took thaat in accounnt. Using your strrings and my poweers we can take yoour Soul out of you chesst."

Error paused. He did not like where his was going.

"Mind explaining w-what you mean Gaster?"

Gaster motions him closer and heads him away a bit. To a even darker side of the Multi-verse.

"It's simmple really. Just wrrap your striings around your souul."

Error obeyed his strings sliding thew his ribs wraping around his soul so he could keep it together.

He shuddered and clicked out of it for a moment when Gaster touched one of the strings. He felt the tuch all the way to his soul. And to his surprise, when he looked down, his soul was in front of him.

"Amazing. Our poweers don't confllict, but mend toogether."

Gaster says happly as he looks at Errors soul he now had full access to.

Error just stared at his soul. It had a few cracks in it. He was shocked it came out and was not shattering or killing him.

Gaster mearly smiles. "Thiss will take tiime to study."

Error mearly offers a weak grin. "R-right..."

Gaster reaches out and slides one of his hands aross Errors soul making him glich badly for a moment.

"It's truly fascinaating how your boody dose that. Yet remains togeether. Your only hallf alive, half deead.

Error really hated the way Gaster touched his soul. This chills he got. The way he gliched out.

A laugh caused Gaster to pull away and look behind him. "Ohh, she's awake."

Errors soul went back to his chest with a painful gasp as he droped to the ground. His soul Bing ouside his body was a major strain.

"W-w-whos awAke?"

Gaster smiled. "My littlle girrl."

Error stood up on shakly legs. And put on a grin. "LittLe girl?"

Gaster nodded leading him to a familiar red eye girl.

"Oh. A-a Chara."

Chara glared with a smile. Reminds him of himself.

"Yes. She neeeds to be traiined but I'm woorking with her."

Error nodded. He wondered if ink realised one of his creations were gone. Or how much Gaster knew.

Create And Destroy        (Error X Ink)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora