Chapter 8

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"We have today all planned out,"Zoe and Alfie say in sync.
"Me and you are going shopping while Alfie has to go to a meeting,"Zoe squeals.
"Sounds like alot of fun,"I say.
"Then we will meet up and have some lunch at Nandos,"Alfie chips in.
"Lets get going,we want to avoid the traffic,"Zoe reminds us.
"Bye Ms.Kiko,"I wave as i walk out the door with Zalfie!

We get into the car Zoe in the drivers seat,Alfie in the passengers side and me in the back.We drive of to town.

I think to myself,I can't believe this is happening to me.I can't wait to go shopping with Zoe,I have a feeling this is going to be the best day ever!

We pull up in the car park and get out of the car.
Me and Zoe wave goodbye to Alfie and we set off into town.
"So where to first?"Zoe quizzes me.
"Top Shop of course,"I decide.

We walk in a look around I find a couple of skirts a jacket and a little top.

"Is this alright?"I ask.
"Of course it is just put it in the bag,I want to spoil you,"Zoe chirps.
"Aww thanks Zoe,"I smile.

We pay and walk out of Top Shop.We wander into Super drug.Zoe gets me a load of makeup and all of her products.
We pay and walk out,I give her a huge hug.

"Whats this for?"Zoe asks.
"For buying me everything,I feel so lucky!"I say.
"That's alright,"I see tears in her eyes but she wipes them away.
"We need to meet Alfie at Nandos,"Zoe reminds me.
"Oh yeah!"I remember.

We walk to Nandos and meet Alfie.We order a big pizza to share,Of course!As well as drinks.We scoff it down and order desert,I go for a cheesecake.Zoe chooses a cupcake with ice cream and after a long and hard decision Alfie chooses ice cream.
By the time we finish its 3:30pm already.

We walk to the car park and drive off.I have had the best day ever!I think to myself.

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