Chapter 14

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"Remember Joe and Casper are coming today,"Zoe reminds me as she sits down.

"I remember,I need to get ready as well,"I say getting up.

I run upstairs to my bedroom.I put on a white tank top and black skinny jeans.A fake leather jacket and some black and white vans.I do my makeup and straighten my hair.

I still need to do my bedroom.Its so plain.Zalfie said we would go shopping but things for my room and paint it to.I can't wait.

Ding Dong.

That must be Jasper.

"Megan,someone wants to see you,"Zoe yells from downstairs.

"Coming!"I tell back.

I run downstairs to see Joe.Uncle Joe.Wow I never thought Id it like that,I have an Uncle.And Caspar.I cant wait to meet them.

I stand at the bottom of the stairs to see Alfie giving Joe and then Casper a bro hug.

"Broseph!"Zoe greets him.

"Wassup Zo!"Joe asks her back.

"Not much but I have a daughter now!"Zoe says excited.

"That's right where is my little niece!"Joe says.

"Hiya!"I say excited.

"Hey!"Joe says giving me a hug.

"Wassup Joe!"I ask.

"That's Uncle Joe to you!"He tells me giving me a hug.

"Wassup Uncle Joe,"I say emphasising the Uncle.

"I'm and Uncle too!"Casper says.

"That's not how it works bro,"Joe tells him.

"I can be an Uncle If I want!"Casper snaps back and looks down.

"Your an Uncle to me Casper"I say giving him a hug.

"Yes!"Casper says hugging me back.

We all walk into the living room and slump onto the sofas.

"What should we do today?"Alfie asks.

"Lets go to the beach each..."Zoe sings.

"Lets go get away!"Casper carries on.

"They say what they wanna say!"I carry on.

We all fall into a laughing fit.

I walk upstairs and pack a bag for a day at the beach.A swimsuit,towel,hat,suncream everything you need.

I walk downstairs to see everybody ready to go.Joe and Casper have borrowed some of Alfies swimsuits and a couple of our towels.

"Ready?"Alfie asks.

"Lets go!"I tell him.

We walk out the house and get into the car.We drive of to Brighton beach.

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