Chapter 36

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"Hot chocolates ready!"Mum shouts from the kitchen.

"Yes!"Me and Dad tell back.

Mum carries our hot chocoate in and hands us each one.We hold it in our hands for a while so it warms us up.


About an hour later Uncle Joe and Caspar arrive.

"Broseph!"Mum shouts hugging Joe and then Caspar.

Dad gives Joe and Caspar bro hugs quickly.

"Uncle Joe!"I yell wrapping my arms around him.

"Megs!"Joe shouts back and he swings me round a throws me on the sofa which makes me laugh.

"Capsy!"I shouts giving Caspar a Megan style bear hug.

"Megsy!"Caspar shouts back.


We end up spending a while on the sofa watching Elf with pizza and popcorn.


"Night!"I shout walking up the stairs.

"Night!"Everyone shouts in unison.

I climb into bed and start thinking.

It's my first Zalfie Christams!
I don't think they know how much they have done for me!
I have no clue where I would be right now if I hadn't been adopted by them.
I would probably have still been in the adoption center.

I quickly send out a tweet to all my followers on Twitter.

@HeyMegs:Hope everyone has a lovely Christmas tommorow! Xx

I instantly get likes and retweets.
Life is perfect at the moment.

I drift off to sleep deep in thought and excitment for tommorow.


Beeeeeeep Beeeeeeeeep.

Beeeeeeep Beeeeeeeeep.

"Ugh!"I slam my hand on my alarm clock.

"Why is it going off so early?"I say to myself.

"Wait!It's Christmas!"I celebrate to myself.

I send a quick tweet out to my followers.

@HeyMegs:Happy Christmas people! Xx

I look to the end of my bed and see a full to the brim stocking.I decide to wake Uncle Joe first.

I tip toe across to his room and see he is half asleep.

"Uncle Joe!"I whisper shouts.

"Unnnnccclee Joeeee!"I say shaking him.

"What Megan?"Joe says annoyed.

"It's Christams and you have a stocking too!"I laugh.

"Christams!"Uncle Joe says.

"Can we open our stockings?"I ask.

"Yes!"Joe was fist pumping the air.

I quickly run to Caspars and shake him awake.

We walk back to Joe's room and unwrap our present in our stockings.

I get:

A new phone case.
A new laptop case.
A couple books to add to my collection.

Uncle Joe gets:

A new phone case.
A hat.
Loom bands (as a joke from me A/N ThatcherJoe fans will understand).

Caspar gets:

A beanie.
A picture frame.

"Wow!"I say looking at my presents.

"These are just the stocking presents!There are more to come!"Joe says.

"Ooohhhh I love Christmas!"Caspar claps his hands together.

Me and Uncle Joe laugh.

"Ahh your awake!"Mum says walking into the room with Nala and Dad.

"Wait Dad you're actually awake!"I say suprises.

"Yep!"Dad replies.

"Lets go open some presents!"Mum exclaims.

"Lets go!"I exclaim.

We all run downstairs and sit on the sofa.

We start handing out presents to each other.I really hope they like mine.

The present are wrapped really nicely.They have silver wrapping paper with gold ribbon on them.Im guessing they're from my parents.The ones from Joe and Caspar are wrapped with Santa Christmas paper.

We all unwrap our presents and I love all mine.

From Mum and Dad I get:

A camera.
A Mac Book Pro.
Hair crimpers.

From Jasper I get:

A book.
A necklace.
A braclet.

I get Joe a mug that says best Uncle on it and a framed picture of a funny picture we took of us two in the Lanes.

I get Caspar a new phone case and pillow with me and him on it.

I get Dad a new beanie,a mug with Me,Mum and him on it and a new game.

I get Mum a new dress,a necklace with a daisy on it and a nail varnish.

They all love their presents so much.

"Thankyou so much!"I squeal hugging everyone.

"I have one more joint present for eveyone,"Joe says handing Mum a small flat present.

She unwrap it and her mouth falls open.

"What is it?"I ask curiously.

"Thank You so much Joe!"Mum shouts giving Joe a huge hug.

"Joe rented a private yacht for January the 2nd and its for everyone here to go!"Mum exclaims.

"Thankyou Uncle Joe!"I say giving him a huge hug.

We all take turns thanking him over and over.

Mum makes pancakes with yogurt and strawberries.Let me just say they were delicous!

Mum always makes the best food.It's always amazing.



Hey readers,

A private yacht!

Who's excited?

I know I am!

Hope you liked this chapter!

Remember to Vote,Comment,


Bye guys.

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