Chapter 19

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Everyone runs over and gives me big hugs.Especially Uncle Joe,who picks me up and swings me round.Also Uncle Casper comes over and gives me a big bear hug.

About an hour later everyone is dancing and chatting.I have talked to everyone and gotten everyone's phone numbers.

I end up dancing with Chloe alot and getting to know everyone better.

Zoe walks up to the mini stage.

"Megan would you like to sing for us?"Zoe asks through the microphone.

"Sure!"I yell.

I walk up the steps and into the stage.Zoe walks down and holds Alfies hand.Cute!I decide to sing Send My love (To Your New Lover),By Adele.

A few minutes later the song finishes and I get everyone claps loudly.I take a now and walk down followed by big hugs.

"You didn't tell me you could sing!"Zoe says suprises.

"I didn't know I could!"I reply.

"Food the presents?"Zoe asks having to shout over the music.

"Yesssssss!"I yell back.

Everyone grabs plates and grabs some food.While we eat I sit with Chloe,Dan and Phil.

"Want to do a collab soon?"Phil asks.

"Yep!"I say.

We all finish eating and I walk over to the presents.There are so many.I get alot of clothes and makeup.I get all of Tanyas new range.I collect alot of chocolate and sweets to.I also have alot of art supplies now.

By 11:00pm at night everybody starts clearing out.I'm exhausted as it was such a long but exciting day.

Me,Zoe and Alfie make our way home.Followed by Dan,Phil,Chloe and Gabby,who are staying round ours.

We open the door to a very excited Nala.We let her outside and slump down on the sofa.Alfie brings Nala in and she crawls on my lap.We watch Frozen (again) and I eventually fall asleep.

The next day

I wake up to Zalfie in the kitchen,Gabby watching tv,Phan with her and Chloe asleep next to me.I poke Chloe and she wakes up.

"What's the time?"She asks sleeply.

"8:00am,"I reply.

We drag ourself upstairs and I lead Chloe to my room.

What I see next makes me scream with excitment.

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