The talk.

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Louis's P.O.V.

Bye class enjoy the rest of your day off." I say and wave to my class as 6th period leave. Today I get to leave early since its Tuesday thank god I'm to tired for once to. My Tuesday was ruined why you might ask? 4th period instead of loving and caring Harry I got dirty looks and sad expressions from him and my husband. He thinks I'm cheating on him. And I'm not! sure I was thinking about it yesterday after school he looked so scared of me. I'm glad I intimidate him. He is my student but I do love him at least I think I do. I feel something that's for sure just not sure if its all positive.

"Soooooo" Niall starts as I pack my briefcase full of papers to correct. Yeah.

"Sooooo" I copy as I don't know what we are going to talk about.

"Are you happy?"

"Babe please lets save this for home ok?" he just sighs but nods and we start for our own cars. For some reason he chose to come only 4th period I don't know if he already know or it was me bragging its the best class. Either way I'm depressed he came he made my day bad. I just stay quite thinking over what I could tell him and explain my innocence but I don't know where to start. 'Oh honey I like him but in not cheating' or 'yes I love him!' I don't know what to say. I park my car and see he's beat me home and so I just sigh close my door and open the door walking in and and proceed for my fridge as I'm thirsty. I open the door and grab a coke and wolf it down chugging another right after and a bag of chips. What? I'm a kid what can I say I never really grew.

"So lets talk now. " He says sitting at the table next to me.

"Ok you go first then. " I say munching on my chips.

"Well, first off have you ever kissed hugged or touched Harry styles?" he asks pain in his voice.

"No I have never ever ever done that to him in my life you're my husband I have never cheated on you ever." I say

"Ok good you l-love me still right?"

"Babe look I just really like his name I swear it. I have never done anything with him I have you and Chloe who I love dearly I'm not trying to replace you ever. " I say. I don't want to ruin this I have a nice marriage a great kid I can't just throw it away for Harry even though it legal since he's 18 but still.

"Ok you promise?" he asks still sobbing a bit.

"Yes I promise you are my husband and I love you so much. " I say

"Oh good cuz I love you too and I....." he trails off.

"You what?" I ask.

"Well ha... babe I lied about the baby." He says I sigh in relief he's not pregnant.

"He's not 4 months. " He says and my eyes widen he lied about how far it is? who does he think he is?

"What do you mean he's not 4 months?" I ask pissed.

"Well see he is uh well he's ha ahshirn"

"what I didn't catch that?"

"He's ahshirn. "

"Babe please speak up. "

"12 months ok. " He screams and walks upstairs. H-how long?!

Liam's P.O.V.

I'm happy. Why am I happy you might ask? Harry fucking styles the boy I have crushed on ever since 6th grade is final my boyfriend. And I couldn't be happier every kiss every touch its better. I feel nothing but pure love for him. Currently i'm on my couch playing halo Harry couldn't come since he had to talk with Zayn I guess its really important I don't care I trust my boyfriend its not like he's gonna cheat on me.

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