Father as in father?!

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Harry's P.O.V.

I can't believe it. I knew what I was doing but I still did it even though it was risky. You are probably wondering how is this possibly. Well remember when Zayn left for his date with Ed. He said I was with the one i love already so he came back and we just did it and somehow I forgot a condom because I knew he was a virgin so was I and well I forgot some guys could get pregnant so sue me for making love.

Louis's P.O.V.

Father as in father?! uh I finally decide to just go talk to him myself and walk into the hospital. I rush to the front desk lady.

"Hello sir what's wrong?" she asks as she probably can see the scared look in my eye.

"Oh well lots of things but could you direct me to Zayn Malik he's in labor." She nods and scan the computer.

"Ok he's in room 256. " I nod

"Thank you. " I say and she hums in response and I take off for the room. I'm about to better when

"Congratulation it's a..... girl. " A doctor I suppose say

"A girl?" I hear zee asks

"You sure?" he asks

"Yes sir a healthy 7lbs baby girl. " He repeats.

"Ok then. " He says and I enter thank god I missed the actual giving brith part cuz it ain't a pretty sight.

"Hey mr Tomlinson what are you doing here?" I shrug

"Came to check up you but guess you had other plans congratulation man. " I say and pat his back.

"Thanks what should we name her haz?" he asks and my heart shatter into itty bitty pieces.

"Well how about..."

"Evangeline. " Zayn says

"No to long. "

"Marie. "

"To common. "

"Uh Daniella. "

"To American. "

"How about.....

"Diana. " They say in unison.

"Yes it's perfect Diana Ali Malik. " Harry says

"You don't want styles?" Zayn asks

"Well....." he trails off

"Well what Harry we are both raising this kid you said you loved me." He says and clenches his hand. I toss zayn's hand to the side and intertwine them.

"Back off. " I say sternly

"Mr. Tomlinson it's ok we are a couple. "

"Correction WE are a couple. " I say proudly

"Oh I see you're finally banging the teacher well after a good fuck we can raise her don't worry. " Zayn says and I walk out to angry at the world for doing this. I grunt and just ignore rants for random people and slump in this annoying waiting chair. What am I waiting for? not really sure just waiting. I think over things I mean this must be a sign right? he doesn't want me maybe zayn is right he's gonna fuck me and leave? I don't know but if that's the case I will never give him what he wants. I decide to leave I need to go watch robin this is Harry and zayn's daughter not mine. I groan and dig my key in the ignition but sit there with the gas on and head on the wheel. I see pictures going through my head memories some just things I remember from school and then I think of Liam. Isn't he with Harry? I remember zayn telling me we both couldn't have him because of Liam. Great so he's been cheating on me every single day with Liam and here I am. Wow. Anger flushes over me and I push down on the petal with such hate but such speed I zoom out of the parking lot and onto the streets in seconds. I drive all the way home and fall flat on my bed and cuddle Robin in. I decide to go investigate this is weird and everything but it will get down to the bottom of things. I pack some stuff and head across the street to Liam's. I knock on the door bitting my lip hoping his parents aren't over.

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