How it happened

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Louis's P.O.V.

"And that's how it happened. That's how we broke up and I realized I was gay. When I met Niall. "

"Are you serious?" Liam asks in disbelief

"Yes. I'm not just going to make this story up obviously. "

"Well where is she?"

"Where's who?" I ask confused

"This Eleanor girl?" Harry asks

"Like I know..... what you think I put some sort of tracking device on her? no no ok so why don't you tell me just what's going on cuz I'm mighty confused. "

"Well basically if I don't find her you're going to die. "

"I'm going to die anyways so just let it be. "

"No see if I find her I can save your life. " This takes me aback.

"Save my life?"

"Yes yes I've been visited. "

"Visited?" Liam says

"Yes by an angel and she said if I can find the first true love then I can save your life by sacrificing her. "

"Wait wait wait wait..... you were going to sacrifice me?!" Niall asks suddenly

"I don't have time for this just..... I'll find her. "

"I'll help you. " Liam says

"You were going to sacrifice me?!" Harry rolls his eyes irritated

"You know what? yes ok I was but wouldn't you mind dying for this extremely handsome sweet caring lovable and kind man?!" he asks more of a statement.

"Yes of course I would. "

"Ok then problem solved bye!" he says and with that they are gone.

"Story of my life. " I say shaking my head.

"How are you doing?" ni asks running to my side

"I'm fine don't worry about me Niall I'm going to be just fine. " I assure him. Not so sure myself.

"Good don't go dying in me as I sleep ok?"

"Wasn't counting in it. " I say truthfully as he leans his head on my chest cuddling into me falling asleep as my mind goes wild. Oh please help my Harry on his wild goose chase.

Liam's P.O.V.

"You know where we are going?" I ask as Harry drives wildly towards a office that Eleanor is believed to work in according to her Facebook friend Linda.

"That's what she said and wrote and posts all the time. "

"Y'know this Eleanor chick is pretty. "

"Yeah sure whatever why don't you marry her Liam?!" he shouts aggravated and sighs

"I-I'm sorry li I just want to save him".

"It's ok bro I understand if I was in your shoes i'd do everything to help him too don't worry. " I say thinking over other ways to figure this out.

"Good...... so how's life huh? Franco treating you right?"

"Oh yeah he's great. "

Harry's P.O.V.

"Good good. " I say and then the world freezes again and it's extremely cold. The windows are all fogged and I see a figure walking outside but the fogged window is blocking me from seeing who it is. I wipe the window and can see the figure. I smile as I see who it is and open my car door. I run out and embrace him. His strong arms wrap around my waist as he hugs me and leans down to catch my chin and haul me up so I can kiss him sweetly.

"I love you. " I breath out a fog cloud appearing.

"And I love you. "

"Harry Harry Harry. " I shake my head and see that I have stopped in the middle of the road.

"Yeah. "

"What's wrong?"

"I-I..... I-I can't drive. " I say and unbuckle my seat belt and climb into the backseat.

"Are you alright?"

"No no no I'm fine I-I'm fine I-I just need some rest s'all. " I lie.

"Are you positive?"

"Liam I think I know what I need. " He holds his hands up as defense

"Yeah I guess you're right sorry mate." He says and the car roars to life again and we are back on the road. I close my eyes and let the tears fall as I think of him. Standing there looking perfect as usual.

"Harry you idiot! what are you doing?"

"Oh shut up Harry!" he jokes laughing showing his perfect white teeth off.

"Harry styles we are going to get out of this ok.... you and me side by side. " He reassures me patting my hand. He intertwines our hands lacing our fingers.

"See this?"

"It's a promise..... a promise we are one. " He says and I look down at our laced hands and smile letting a single teardrop fall on our hands.

"Don't cry love. "

"No no I'm not sad..... the quite opposite actually. " I sniffle

"I'm happy. " I say

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!" I yell and Liam swerves to the side

"Jesus. Harry are you alright?!" he says pulling over.

"NOOO NOOO PLEASE DONT GO!!! DONT LEAVE ME!!!!" I scream frantically. I hear li unbuckle his seatbelt and he wraps his muscular arms around me trying to calm me down.

"NO NO NOO PLEASE!!!" I yell

"Shhh shhhh you're ok Harry you're ok it's alright you're ok. " He says relaxing me.

"I'm sorry Harry. " He sighs

"He's not coming back. " He says and I just sniffle and cry into Liam's shoulder as he sits upright arms around my shoulders hugging me like a sock monkey and providing comfort.

"We're going to be ok hazza. "

"I-I promise. " He says rocking us back and fourth as I sob uncontrollably.

Niall's P.O.V.

I close my car door and walk into my house. I cover my face with my hands and flick my switch on.

"Hello Niall. " I hear and whip around.

In the corner of my room this person is twiddling with a blade in there hand doing tricks with it in the pitch black.

"So I see you still love your ex huh? got picture boarded around the house. What are you? a baby?"

"What no. Wait why are you in my house? who the fuck are you?"

"That's not really the question. "

"What's the right question then? "

"Exactly. " they say and thrust a sac over my head. Next thing I know is I hear the familiar crunching of the pebbles surrounding my driveway.

"Sorry it's nothing personal really just some business I suppose plus lets face it.... its amusing. " They say and close the trunk of the car me inside it and speed of through the dark.

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