The delivery

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Louis's P.O.V.

The baby's coming

That's all I had to hear. I drop my phone I can't leave now I'm in the hospital I mean sure Harry's with him but still.

Lou ahh Lou please god- " then he's cut off by an ear piercing scream and I finally snap out of my trance as rush to my car. I step on the gas and speed all the way home. I get home and see nobody in sight.

"Niall. "

"Niall baby where are you cmon I'm here babe?" I shout I search all the rooms but can't ind him then I look at the front. Fuck shit!!!! his cars gone. No fucking way he drove all the way to the hospital on his own. I don't want to call and have him crash but I don't know which hospital he went to. There are about 5 close hospitals and I need to be there when the baby comes. Oh god I'm freaking out. I start tugging on my hair trying to remember any thing he could've given me to remember. I grunt and sigh in defeat and hop in my car speeding back to the hospital zayn was at. I walk in and Harry looks like he's been crying and Zayn well he just looks like he's in lot of pain.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothin nothing it's just uh there was a crash and the person was pregnant." My eyes widen

"How long ago?" I ask nervous

"About 5mins ago before you walked in. " No no no god no don't let it be true kill me just please don't make it true. I nod and turn on the nearest tv which was in the waiting room and watch the accident unfold.

"They seem to be carrying her out she is going to be fine but the baby we aren't so sure back to you Steve. " I sigh in relief that it wasn't my baby. I would have had a heart attack.

"Medic we need a medic this mans going into labor. " I hear someone say behind me and I shoot my focus on him. There standing behold me is..... mr Payne? why is my student helping my husband? I run over to them

"Mr. Tomlinson hi sir I was just uh helping him he was passed out on the front lawn. "

"How do you know?"

"Well sir I live right across the street from you. So I just drove him here I'm sorry sir. "

"Sorry? god no thank you, you help out I was already here cuz your friend over their was hit by an idiot and I drove him here so if you want to go see him. " He nods and I carry Niall

"Thank you sir. "

"Thank you. " I say he nods and goes over to ask what room zayn is in.

"Hi labor? " I ask her she nods and brings a gurney and I walk by his side as he is wheeled in a room and a bunch of medics come in.

"What happened why is he not awake?" uh...

"He passed out from shock. " I say. They all nod and begin putting IVs in and spread his legs getting ready to pop him out.

"So you know if he wants the drugs or naturally?" I think a second I was forced to give him drugs with Chloe but he really wanted it naturally.

"Naturally. " I say she nods and waits till he begins his contractions.

-- 2 hours later --

"LOUIS WHAT THE FUCK YOU WEREN'T THERE FOR ME!!!!!" Niall shouts as he's beginning with his contractions


"Baby calm down ok it's not good for the baby if you could ju-"

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