white light

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Louis’s P.O.V.

“Oh Niall that’s dedicated to me?” Niall nods shyly 

“Louis I need to tell you something ok?” I nod and absorb this as important trying for that serious look. Niall takes a deep breath then blurts out softly.

“I love you.”  The words echo through my mind vibrating my bones and coursing through my veins my skull tightening and my heart throbbing. I feel my walls come crashing down though when I see a tearing Harry in the background lingering by the doorframe and I stiffen. What can I say? 

“A-Are you sure?” is all I can manage as my mind tries to wrap around this mess. 

“Yes you’re the one I want so much it’s hurting.” He says and I’m lost within his words and caught between the two. 

“Niall I think we need to talk.” Harry suddenly says emerging from the doorframe stopping the tension in the air between us. 

“Yeah sure Harry just a sec.” he says 

“A sec for what?” it just slips. 

“For your answer of course!” he cheers 

“M-My answer?” BAD IDEA 

“Yes aren’t you going to say you love me back hon?” he says gripping my hand tightening his grip around my waist scaring me. 

“O-OH yes…. Of course Niall it’s always been about you love you’re the one that I want…... always.” I say my nerves setting in and I feel sick. 

“Ok… good ok Harry so what do we need to talk about?” he turns to Harry releasing me and I sigh in relief letting my muscles relax. 

“um……… oh right…. Let’s just go.” He grumbles and it seems he gives me a glare and I just groan putting my head down. I look up to meet Liam’s and James gaze.

“I’m gonna go get some coffee you guys want some?” he asks me and Liam 

“NO I’m good babe why don’t you just go home I’ll meet you there ok?” he asks and he nods and I give him a death glare. I have to admit Liam was kind of the best thing that happened to my son and my parenting skills he’s completely wonderful I just wish he wasn’t with that douche. 

“Soooooo.” he says and I copy him 


“H-How’ve you been?” he stutters

“Fantastic.” I say faking a smile to try and brighten the mood

“No you haven’t.” he says and suddenly pounces on me swarming me with kisses. When he finally backs up I look at him mouth ajar and eyes widen 

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” I say confused 

“I-I…. you don’t understand.” I shake my head 

“Wh-…. What do you m-me…. Don’t understand?.....No I don’t you just kissed me…. repeatedly!!” I scream flustered.  And he scans everywhere except me. 

“WHY?!” I scream wanting to get to the bottom of this. 

“ you don’t understand……. Louis you make me stronger… better…. I’m lonely ok? Is that so wrong? Is it so wrong that you make me strong?” he stutters loss of words. 

“Because what he said is true….. Louis our love was better than words both of us felt the love radiate off of each other together and then….. i-I don’t know…. I just threw it away to experiment…. And I’m sorry….. I’m sorry.” He stutters tears brimming his sad eyes. 

“Then why did you give it away?” 

“Probably the drugs.” I look at him gobsmacked 

“Wh- DRUGS?!” I shout frustration taking over me. 

“WHY WE HAD THAT TALK AND EVERYTHING!!!!” I say angry word after word he says. 

“Ok well now you know…… so who is it?”

“Who’s what?” 

“Is it me….. or him?” he pokes through the blinds of the hospital and I feel nauseous. 

“Y-You couldn’t possibly expect me to choose….. do you?” I ask him and he hesitates but then nods. I wipe my face of sweat and tears trying to concentrate but my brain freezes and instead my thoughts take over and all I can see through my head is me and Niall then me Liam and Robin playing around after a show and then suddenly….. there’s mist everywhere and Harry comes out of thin air his Cheshire cat smile on his face his dimples showing and his teeth sparkling and his eyes shimmering and he’s in a tux and holding his hand out for me to take and I open my eyes and look at Liam but he’s gone and I shake my head and Harry is there to replace him and I blink 3 times and I look straight ahead and it’s Liam looking at my face confusion over his. 

So?” I close my eyes for a split second and Harry smiles at me and I take his hand this time and I see the destination we are going to and I think I like it. 

“I-I’m sorry Li….. I won’t choose…. Besides you have James and I have to look over poor Harry.” I say. I see him tearing up but he nods and strolls away and Harry waltz in. 

“Wow…. What a rejection.” I just shrug my shoulders. 

“What were you thinking of? I want to know I feel like Edward Cullen Bella.” He smirks and I find myself laughing at his idiocy. 

“Honestly? I just had memories coursing through my mind.” I admit partially truth. 

“Which ones? Any contain…. Oh I don’t know an extremely good looking curly haired green eyed fella?” he asks smiling looking up trying to pose.

“Hey! Don’t do that or else I’m going to have to tell Zayn to show you how it’s done-.” I stop myself and lower my head 

“I-I’m sorry.” I say and he nods and scoffs.

“I-It’s alright….. I better be going.” He says and I close my eyes in shame. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I say to myself shaking my head. 

Harry’s P.O.V.

I stalk out of Louis’s room glum and suddenly the world is frozen in time and I see why.

“It’s time…. grab Niall and get back in their…. It’s show time Harry.” The angel says and I look up at her and bit my lip.

“Are you sure?” I ask a bit nervous I don’t want to be the cause of yet another death.

“No I’m the one who’s the angel here but I don’t know when it’s time for a human sacrifice.” Jeez harsh. 

“Ok.. ok sorry.” I say and take a deep breath and motion for Niall and he walks over to me and I just whisper.

“It’s time.” and he nods and we walk into Louis’s room and sit down Niall by his side and me besides the windows just in case there’s a white light thing or something I need to cover up with not to die or go blind thanks. At exactly 12:12 a white light appears but at 12:13 it disappears. 

“WHOA DID YOU SEE THAT?!” Lou screams and we all nod the angel shakes her head.

“What? What’s wrong?” I ask confused.

“I-It didn’t work.” My heart stops 

“Didn’t work….. why not?!” I scream hot tears streaming down my face but I don’t care right now. She looks at Lou then looks like she’s concentrating hard. She whispers something in my ear. And my eyes widen when I realize her question for me to ask him and I feel myself panicking. 

“Louis……. Is Niall your first love?” I ask him and he looks at me confused.

“Why does it matter?”

“I-It doesn’t….. well it does but I’ll tell you later ok. Is he?” I ask my nerves kicking in. 

“No.” he says and I feel my world crumbling to pieces. 

“W-Who is?” I ask 

“Eleanor.” He says 

“Eleanor Cadler.” 

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