End this

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"I'm here to end this. " I say smirking and walking towards him little at a time.

"Hey hey hey back the fuck up!" he yells as I have a shiny blade within my fingers swinging it slightly every which way.

"I don't think so. " He tries to run but I dodge it and again and again and again. After a bit he gives that plan up and tried to psych me out but I just trip him.

"Please! what will you do?! people innocent people you you will all die if you kill me. "

"Hm kill you or let you live?" I say shrugging my hands

"Nope kill you. " And with that I drive the blade across his throat slitting it and smiling.

"Good and that's how art is. " I say creepily I might say and I shake my head drop the knife and grab my hazza.

"Hey haz lets go babe. "

"Wait where Andy?"

"The kitchen room floor........ bloody. " I chuckle to myself at this

"Y-you killed him?"

"Yeah I had to. He was psychopath a and no prison could obviously hold him so I just ended his suffering. "

"He wasn't suffering. "

"He was at my mercy id say that's suffering. " I say and intertwine our hands.

"Let me just get my stuff. " I nod and he grabs all his personal possession and gets up smiling and I smile and we head for my room and he sets everything down and he lays on the bed and takes in a deep breath.

"Wow..... it feels great to be free. "He says and I nod chuckling.

"Doesn't it?" I say and he nods

"Ooh I almost forgot. " I get down on one knee and hold out the wedding band.

"Will you marry me?" I ask even though I already know he said yes.

"Yes! yes of course I will baby!!!" and with that I smile and put his band on slowly as he admires it fiddling with it every which way.

"I'm gonna check us in ok babe?"

"Ok i"ll be right here waiting for your sexy ass to return. "

"Obviously. " I chuckle and shut the door slowly and turn around an-


I grab my throat gagging and trying to produce words.

"Thought you could get away huh?" a mystery person says and I try to figure out who it is but I can't. My body is aching and my vision is blurry from the tears.

"Well it ain't easy!!! especially now that I'm in charge. " The person says and they drive the dagger into my chest going deeper and deeper until all that's left it the tip of the gripping. I choke on my own blood and am dying within seconds the last thing I see is the person in a pitch black coat walk away smirking.

Louis's P.O.V.

I decide to call Harry and apologize sure it'll be a bit embarrassing but I have to what I have to do.

"Just do it Louis you're a man c'mon do it. " I say to myself shaking and finally gripping my phone and dial his my number unsure.

"Hello?" I'm surprised he answered.

"Hi haz it's me.... look I'm sorry I-I couldn't stop him I-if he's dead you can kill me an-"

"No no Lou don't be ridiculous plus he's alive and well. He just went to the front to check us in. "

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