My crazy ex

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Harry's P.O.V.

"A-A-Andy Samuels. " I stutter out. How can he be back how?!

"Where is he Harry tell me now!"

"I-I he was just walking by and said hi to me. "

"Anything else?"

"N-no. "

"Ok love calm down you're going to be fine I-I promise o-ok?" He tried to reassure me but I'm not taking chances.

"O-ok zee. " I say shaking.

"Cmon lets go home. " I just nod and walk to home with him by my side.

"Ok now Harry I know this is shit but I have a diner with my parents so they can get this real estate thing or whatever I am so sorry why don't you call someone else to be here yeah?" he asks

"N-no. "

"What about Liam?"

"H-had a f-fight. "

"FUCK! well I can't just leave you haz"

"I-it's ok i'll be f-fine. "

"Are you sure because I will stay if I have t-"

"Zee I fine ok just g-go. " He nods kisses me

"I love you Harry always remember that." He says and leaves me all alone. I feel like calling Louis but I can't. I can't believe Andy Samuels is out of prison and back in school. We have 3 more days and he decided to fuck those 3 days up figures. Andy went to prison because of me. Well it was his fault but I was related to the reason why. See he was dating me once but that was a long time ago that day still haunts me.

-- that day of the incident --

"Hey baby come on I want to show you something. " Andy calls and I nod and skip towards him.

"Ok babe. " I say and we intertwine hands as we walk to into the forest near his house. As we walk I notice it gets a bit darker if that's possible probably the trees then I see a cabin in sight and we enter it.

"Ok Harry stand here and close your eyes I have a surprise. " He says and I nod and close my eyes smiling. The next thing I know he chops my leg and blood starts pouring out it wasn't a huge cut but it was something. I scream out and start to run but he pins me down.

"Where are you going love? I need to ask you a fucking question!!" he spits out evilly.

"What?" I answer whimpering.

"Will you marry me?" and he pulls a ring out. I look at him and he smiles that sickly yet so addicting and to familiar smile

"I-I don't know. "

"C'mon that was an accident it slipped out of my hands I swear. " He pleads I look up at him and smile.

"Yes yes Andy. " I say and he smirks real evilly and pulls me up and slips the engagement band on.

"Great see you in a bit love. " And he knocks me out. The next time I wake up I'm in a tiny enclosed room and tied to the bed my mouth is covered with a cloth as well. I try and look around but spot basically nothing except a bed and a little table and one chair.

"Oh hey love you're up great I'd like you to meet my friend. " And pout walks a doctor looking guy. I think he's a doctor he's wearing a doctor coat and is wearing glasses and is carrying gloves and ha a stethoscope around his neck.

"Hi Harry I was just checking to make sure nothing is damaged. " And he goes to my leg

"Nah luckily nothing is damaged he will be fine i'll just patch it up. " Andy nods and he gets to work by now the blood is dried up.

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