Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven: The Chamber Of Secrets

All of my family members have what people say 'the brains' and then there's me. I'm the one who gets T's. I'd much rather play Quidditch or go on a nature walk.

"Madeline, your owl's at the window." I snapped out of my thoughts and opened the hatch for Chestnut.

10:00 pm Potions Rm.

I almost forgot about tutoring. Today was the Quidditch match Gryffindor vs. Slytherin and Harry was playing. I threw on my Gryfinndor scarf and made my way outside. I met Luna half way there and we sat together in the bleachers.

"Go Harry!" Hermione shouted. Slytherin kept making goals and was up 150-100. A bludger whipped past Harry's head and came back and hit Wood's broom.

"Blimey, Harry's got himself a rogue bludger! That's been tampered with, that has!" I heard Hagrid shout.

"I'll stop it!" Ron pulled out his broken wand.

"No Ron, even with the best wand, it's too risky! You could hit Harry!" I said, putting his wand back in his pocket. I saw Harry toss under the stands before Malfoy laughed at him. He said something I couldn't hear before they started chasing the snitch.

They were gone short 10 minutes before I heard some shouting. It wasn't short after that Draco came flying up. He looked like he was in a lot of pain, probably 'cuz he just fell. No duh, Maddie.

"Do you think he's alright?" I thought I'd hear a sneer remark from Ron but he just shrugged. The bludger came back and hit Harry's wrist.

"That's not good." I muttered under my breath but they heard me. Harry came tumbling onto the ground and the bludger tried to hit him.

"Harry Potter has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Ron, Hermione, and I all ran out onto the field.

"Harry, are you okay?"

"No, my wrist. I think it's broken."

"Don't worry, I got just the thing." Lockhart said.

"Oh," Harry groaned. "anyone but you."

"Nonsense," he muttered a spell. "all better." Harry's bones were no longer there.

"See, not broken."

"Not broken," Ron exclaimed. "there is no bones to be broken!"

"Um, Ron. I'll be right back, okay?" he nodded and I jogged over to Malfoy. Nobody seemed to be helping him.

"Malfoy, are you alright?" I asked. Of course he's not alright.

"No, Weasley. Quick, get Pomfrey before that baboon gets to me too!" he said gesturing to Lockhart. I nodded and ran to get her. Before I came back, Crabbe and Goyle were already there. I stood back, not wanting to get involved. He's Malfoy, he'll be fine.

"You sure you're alright, Malfoy?" I asked once more.

"Why do you care anyway, Weasely?"

"I told you before. Nobody deserves to get hurt, especially like that." I said shaking the memory.

"I'm fine." he said before being hauled away. I went to find Hermione and Ron but they were already in the hospital wing. I ran there by myself and walked in.

"Harry, smile?" Collin tried snapping a picture. I rolled my eyes and sat down by the door.

"Bloody hell, Colin." Ron pushed him away.

"What a git." I muttered and I heard a chuckle. I turned to see Malfoy at his bed.

"You can go now, Mr. Malfoy. Where is he? Harry?" Madam Pomfrey came in with a bunch of supplies. I stood up and walked over to Malfoy's bed.

"How are you feeling?" I said hesitantly, sitting on the neighboring bed.

"Like I got hit with a bludger." he smirked a little, causing me to laugh.

"Maddie." Ron called over to me and I walked back. I looked back at Malfoy but Ron spun me around.

"Why were you with, Malfoy?" he said, angrily.

"To check if-"

"Harry," Dumbledore walked in. Thank Godric, couldn't have been better timing. "how are you?"

"I can't say good, Professor." I chuckled. A little time passed before Madam Pomfrey made all of us leave. Oh crabs, tutoring. I quickly looked back into the room to see Malfoy's bed empty. Someone touched my back and I spun around. I almost screamed but someone put their hand over my mouth.

"Malfoy, don't ever do that again!" I whisper-shouted.

"You still okay for the tutoring session?" he asked me.

"Yeah, if you are." I said, looking at his arm.

"I'm fine."

"Then sure."

"10:00 then." I nodded and made my way to mt classes. I would think Malfoy got the day off, but apparently not.

At Dinner

"I think I am done." I said, wiping my face. Hermione nodded at me before I went up to our dorm. I laid down on my bed for a second, not meaning to fall asleep but I did.

I looked at the time. 9:57. Crap! I quickly patted down my robes followed by my hair and sprinted down the halls. Not to mention I had to get down 7 floors in 3 minutes. When I finally got there, the time was 10:05.

"Malfoy, I am so sorry." I spun in the Potions room.

"What happened to your hair?" he asked, slightly confused. If you were crazy, you'd think for a second he didn't have bad intentions.

"You look like you just got hit with the Stupify spell."

"Thanks Malfoy," I said sarcastically. "so what do we start with?"

"I was thinking the Swelling Solution we were doing earlier in class. You didn't seem to get it." He's right.

"Okay, but only if you help me a little because I seriously have no clue." he nodded slightly and we began working.

"Kind of, just- try the-" he looked at the clock.

"No wonder why you're not focusing. It's 1:30." he said, nudging me a little.

"Go on up." he said, gathering his stuff. I sent him a quick 'thanks' before shuffling up 7 floors.

All these characters belong to J.K. Rowling. All credit goes to her for some of the plot and all of setting (characters, etc.) I made Maddie Weasley, that is it. I am just a girl who wants to write fanfictions.

Oh gosh, they got stuck with tutoring. Please don't hate me, I thought it was a nice touch.

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