Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty: The Half-Blood Prince

"More attacks in the muggle world." Dad sighed and folded the newspaper.

"A bridge collapsed in London, dark figures spotted." the news boomed through the burrow.

"When will this end?" I groaned and shoved my face into a pillow.

"Mom, when did Harry get here?" Ginny yelled up the levels.

"Harry's here?" Ron and I said in unison.

"His trunks in the kitchen."

"Harry?" Fred and George smiled from the top floor.

"Apparently he's roaming around the house." I stepped down the stairs and looked around.


"Really." I heard a familiar voice smile.

"Harry!" I sprinted into his arms

"You have grown so much, dear." Mom ruffled his hair and I laughed.

"Payback's an arse." he growled at me, causing me to laugh harder.

"Georgie! We got the building!" I heard Fred shout and George laughed.

"What's going on guys?" I asked as I watched them walk down.

"We can't tell you just yet, we can only show you." I smiled and they apparated next to mom, causing her to jump and swat them with a paper.

"Mum, can we take Gin and Maddie to Diagon Alley?" Fred and George asked in unison. She nodded and set her knitting down.

"Of course, you can help them get their supplies too but," she pointed her finger at them. "they are your responsibility.

"Harry, do you-" I turned around to ask but Ginny and him were hugging. I couldn't help put a small smile on my face

"Harry, can go later with Gin." mom chuckled and I stuck my tongue out at Ginny. She did the same and Harry laughed.

"Ready, Mads?" Fred and George linked hands with me. We spun for a little bit before landing safely.

"Thank Merlin, I am experienced." they laughed and covered my eyes.

"Ready to look?" they walked me through the square and at this moment, I had no clue where I was.


"1,2,3-" they removed their hands from my eyes. There standing in front of me was a-

Joke shop?

"This is definitely our stop." I walked into the building and it was completely full.

"This is going to be Weasley's Wizarding Weezes, our own personal business. I smiled widely and pulled them into a hug.

"Oh guys, congratulations!"

"Do I get a special sister discount?" they nudged me into the wall.

"Hey!" I laughed and Fred shoved the key in his pocket.

"Do you want us to come help with school supplies?" they asked and I shook my head.

"I have been saving up from housekeeping." I pulled some coins out of my pocket.

"We'll be here, so come meet us when you're finished." they started allowing people in and I went towards the buildings.

"Good luck!" I knew they couldn't hear me but, well...

I looked at the list I needed and looked around for someone I recognized. Diagon Alley was more creepy than I remembered. All the shops were closed except WWW and it was starting to freak me out.

Ollivander's was even closed and that's the best place for wands. I knocked quietly, not expecting someone to answer, and I peeked in.

This place was deserted and it did not look like Ollivander left by choice. I turned around to leave but I saw a familiar platinum. I turned back around to see Draco with-

"Bellatrix." I growled and saw them creep down the alley. I wonder what they're doing. I snuck out the door and followed close behind them. It looked like they were headed for Knockturn Alley.

"That's the place I appeared at my first year." I accidentally said, causing them to turn. I quickly hid behind a barrow. Once they continued,  I spun around the corner. When I walked through the alley, I saw a guy talking against the wall and I just walked faster.

This was so place for a student, nor an adult.

Draco, Bellatrix, and the other woman walked towards Borgin & Burke's.

"Draco, wait outside." the woman told him and he nodded. I couldn't help but notice they looked a lot alike, the same sparkling eyes and blonde hair. He stood by the door and I squeezed in between to columns. All I could see was spider webs and it was really dust- Oh no. I covered my mouth to quiet the sneeze but it echoed. I heard footsteps come closer and I sat down, trying to concede myself.

"Who's there?" he raised his wand and looked around. He finally turned around and I let out a breath. His gaze drifted over to be and I sighed

"Madeline," he said in more of a question. "you shouldn't be here." I slowly stepped out and brushed off the dust and webs.

"Why are you here?" I asked with the same tone.

"I- It's nothing."

"Draco, if I shouldn't be here then you shouldn't either." we heard a door close and Draco's eyes went wide.

"Go and never come back here!" I was so confused to what was going on but I ended up back in Diagon Alley.

Once I had finished getting the supplies they had here, I walked back to the store.

"There you are, got everything?" Fred asked and I nodded. I saw Hermione, Harry, Ron, and Ginny were now here.

Love potions? George winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

I couldn't shake the thought of Draco being down in Knockturn Alley. It was a dangerous place for everyone.

"Harry, I know where you're going with this." Hermione started.

"He's one of them."

"What?" Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Harry is under the impression Draco Malfoy is now a deatheater."

"Harry, I don't-"

"Madeline, his father is a deatheater so it only makes sense." Harry got up and unlocked the compartment.

"Harry, where are you going?"

"Out." he pulled out the invisibility cloak.

"I want to come." I begged.


"Please." he sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Fine." he tossed me a cloak and led me into the compartment Draco was in. He helped me up into the luggage holders and he jumped up into the other one. There was a rat under the cloak and it kept coming towards me.

"Maddie, stop moving." Harry whispered and I tried. I saw Draco look up and my heart stopped. After what felt like hours, we arrived and waited for the others to get off. Draco was the last one in the room and he wasn't leaving.

"Petrificus Totalus!" I suddenly felt falling and I landed on the ground. I grabbed my side and froze as he came closer.

All these characters belong to J.K. Rowling. All credit goes to her for some of the plot and all of setting (characters, etc.) I made Maddie Weasley, that is it. I am just a girl who wants to write fanfictions.

DRACO FROZE MADELINE! Oh goshhhh, cliffhangerrrrrrrrr.

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