Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One: The Goblet Of Fire

"Madeline, is going to be able to see Harry soon." Fred teased me.

"I don't like Harry." I couldn't hide the red flush of my cheeks.

"Okay, but at your wedding all you're going to hear is 'I told you so'." Ron laughed causing me to blush harder.

"Fine, maybe a little." I whispered to Ginny. "But who do you like?" She shrugged.

"I guess that's a secret, isn't it?" I groaned.

"Come on, I'm your twin. You have to tell me." she shook her head.

"I don't really have my eyes on a-anyone just yet." she smiled slightly.

"Come on, Gin." I laughed, nudging her.

"I said I didn't!" she said, her cheerful tone dropping.

"Okay.." I backed up into the kitchen.

"What's up with her?" Ron asked me.

"I don't even know. You think I said something?" I shifted nervously.

"I don't think so.." he replied hesitantly.

"Give her some room for a little bit though."  I nodded. Ginny and I have never really gotten into any fights. I have rarely seen her yelling, so this kind of scared me.

"She'll be okay." Ron reassured me.

"Let's not let this get you down, yeah?" I nodded and the cheer returned. I was going back to Hogwarts soon.

"Harry is going to be here any minute now so act natural." Ron teased.

"Oh please, I'm nature itself." I giggled and they rolled their eyes.

"Bed time!" we heard mum yell from downstairs.

"I'll go shush her up," Ron shuffled down the stairs and I followed.

"Mum, can't we wait until Harry gets here, please?" she shook her head.

"Nonsense," the teapot on the stove shrieked. "that'll be way too late. You have school tomorrow!" We both groaned. I was way too excited.

"Well?" Ginny asked as soon as she saw us in the room.

"She said no." Ron flopped onto the bed. I crawled into the bed next to his.

"I am way too excited to sleep now." he chuckled and I smiled slightly.

"Me too, but I think I can manage." I rolled my eyes.

"Ron, you can always sleep. It's exhausting just watching you." I pulled my covers up to my chin and rolled over onto my side. After about 10 minutes, I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up to the sound of shuffling. I sat up slightly rubbing my eyes and turned my lamp on.

"Harry?" I muttered. Harry was in a hard sweat. He was having a nightmare. I jumped out of bed.

"Harry? Harry." I shook him awake.

"Are you alright?" I said with worry obvious on my face.

"Madeline, bad dream." he smiled a little.

"O-okay, when did you get here?"

"Late last night, around 1:00 maybe?" I nodded and right as I was going to crawl back in bed, someone came up the stairs.

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