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A/N: I've come to the conclusion that not every book has to have a happy ending or a conclusive ending. That is why, after all this time, I have decided to change its ending. I'm sorry if some of you are disappointed but that's just how some novels have to end.

19 Years Later
Draco Malfoy's P.O.V

Today was the happiest day of the year, for some. Not for me. This day marked the first day of the new year at Hogwarts. It was supposed to be special.

But it wasn't and it hadn't been for the past nineteen years.

I had always hoped to some day send a son or daughter off to Hogwarts, their mother shedding silent tears as her babies grew up and left for schooling.

I stood in a corner behind the barrier at King's Cross Station and watched as their parents bid their goodbyes to their creations.

Every year since her death, I had come to watch loving couples send their children away, just as I always wished to do but it would never happen.

The love of my life was killed in the Battle of Hogwarts - not just killed, destroyed to just - not just by anyone, by me. 

Reflecting on the memory, I became distraught and found myself sitting on the cold stone, head in my hands.

The door burst open of the Gryffindor common room, sending a loud bang into the room. From the sudden noise, I threw the deatheater I was trying defend the safe room from - one of the last rooms standing - so Madeline could make it safely.

The female who stood in the doorway looked at me in concern, but I had to say. She looked absolutely horrid. Her yellow teeth were practically rotted as were her bloodshot eyes that made me believe she hadn't been taking care of herself - possibly raised by none other than a deatheater.

Though, he had, as well.

I tossed the horrid curse at the deatheater, sending him flying to the ground then spun towards the female. She shouted my name when I shot the same spell towards her. She ducked under it and her features dampened with shock.

"Draco, no!" she screamed, her voice rather cringy. "Stop, Draco. It's me!" 

I scoffed and tackled her to the ground, holding my wand tight against her throat, punching her in the stomach. I felt so vial, continuously glancing up at the door like an animal, waiting for Madeline to arrive. She was late - hopefully, something didn't happen to her.

Using my distracted trance to her advantage, she threw me off her, quickly recovering and rising to her feet.

"I said stop!" she screamed, ripping my wand off the ground. My eyes widened and before I could react, the wand wizzed a spell right at me, causing me to tumble sideways on the ground.

My stomach hurled over multiple times before I caught my consciousness back. I saw her crying over me, and I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering what kind of crazy person she was. 

I quickly reacted when I had realized she caught me waking up and tore a blade from my pocket, jamming it into her stomach.

Her eyes widened, and she fell to her side. Soon, she started to shift - probably under the influence of Polyjuice Potion - and that's when I realized what I had done.

I killed yet another Weasley twin, ripping them apart from their loved ones.

I remembered that moment so clearly. I mean, obviously, it's hard to forget when you murder the girl you wanted to marry. 

"Hey, mister," a voice interrupted me from my thoughts. I looked down to see a young girl, most likely a first year - at least, that's what she looked like. She frowned up at me. "Are you alright? You look sad."

I smiled slightly, resting my elbows on my knees. I glanced up away from her to see her parents calling her back, sending a few disgusted looks in my direction.

"I'm okay," I replied, sending a weak smile in her direction. "Make sure to make the best of your school time, okay? They really will be the best years of your life." 

She rolled her eyes, telling me she's heard that so many times. I smiled a little bit before sending her back off toward her parents. 

I couldn't help but see so much resemblance of Madeline in the girl. 

Of course, I would have recognized if it was a Weasley or one of Potter's new kids by looking up at the couples, but it wasn't.

It didn't surprise him that there were more ginger descendants but at least they were happy.

I looked to my right and saw Potter and the other Weasley girl, Ginny, sending their next child along with the other two and grief hit me harder. Ginny and Madeline never looked exactly alike but seeing as how long it's been, I've never seen more of a resemblance.

"Draco," a soft and distant voice whispered in my ear. I lifted my head and turned around. I would recognize that voice anywhere. She was always here.

It made sense, though. This was where she was happiest - coming back to where she felt she actually belonged. She loved it on the train and at school, but she loved it even more at the station. She got a kick of running through the brick every year in order to arrive. 

I think that's the reason I kept coming back - just to hear her voice. Sometimes, I hear her small laugh, as if a memory is playing through the area. That's only happened twice in these nineteen years, but I knew it was her's.

It was worth coming back every year - worth all the torture, all the sleepless nights, the nightmares.

I stood up, going through yet another episode of regret and took one last look at the Hogwarts Express, exiting the magical barrier once more. I hated how I returned every year but that is the punishment I set for myself.

She deserved better, and I deprived her of the life she deserved to have. For that, I didn't deserve any shred of life - a happy one at that.

I gave myself the life I deserved - depression and suffering - only to die alone in my abandoned home of deprivation and a broken heart.


Thank you for reading 'Another Weasley Twin'. I hope you enjoyed reading.

A goal of mine ever since I was a child was to make my readers cry in a book at least once. It's not that I want you to be sad - it's the fact that I've wanted to create something so connecting that it creates emotions that would bring those to tears.

I graciously would like to thank you for allowing me to share my work with you. I know it's a big twist that I changed the ending after two years, but I have been monitoring it and after all this time, I finally concluded my battling thoughts.

Not every story has a happy ending, and I finally deemed of changing it to what realistic reality it deserved. It was either this ending or the fact that Madeline would get married to someone else and leave Draco to watch in pain, knowing he did something so horrible to lose her. I love Draco but that's what he would have gotten if I would have thought of it sooner.

He killed her TWICE in this ending. 

Thank you for reading and putting up with this emotional work. I won't say mess, because I am genuinely proud of it.

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