Chapter Forty-Two

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Chapter Forty-Two: The Half-Blood Prince

Katie Bell was supposed to deliver the box to Professor Dumbledore. I think someone was trying to hurt him or worse. Harry thinks it's Draco but I doubt it. He'd never do such a thing.

"Why is it that when something happens, it's always you four?" McGonnagall asked, snapping me out of my daze. 

"Believe me Professor," Ron sighed. "I've been asking myself the same question for 6 years."

"She was cursed." McGonnagall said.

"She is lucky to be alive." Snape stood at the door.

"It was Malfoy," I looked at Harry. "I know it."

"No it wasn't." I scoffed.

"For God's sake, it wasn't him!" I shouted and they all looked at me. I burst out the doors and outside.

"Maddie, are you excited for your first quidditch game?" I shook my head.

"I am bloody nervous!" I sat down next to Ron, who looked the same.

"Have some orange juice, it will help." Harry smiled. I lifted up the cup.

"No, don't! Harry put something in your cups." I shrugged and we both drank it.

"Liquid Luck." I saw as Harry put an empty bottle in his pocket. Ron and I both smiled.

"Come on Harry, Maddie. We've got a game to win!" I smiled and we walked towards the field.

Afterwards, we had a party in the common room. Everyone was cheering on Ron and I smiled slightly.

"Maddie, you did great, don't worry." Harry smiled and pat me on the shoulder. The next sight almost made me want to vomit, Lavender pulled Ron into a kiss.

I looked at Hermione and she looked like her heart had just been ripped out of her chest

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I looked at Hermione and she looked like her heart had just been ripped out of her chest. I sprinted towards her as she left the hall. I ran down the steps and sat next to her. She cried into Harry's shoulder. 

We heard massive laughs as Ron and Lavender ran in.

"Come on, Won Won. This room's already taken." I glared at her.

"What?" Ron asked and I stood up, causing them both to run up the stairs. Hermione shot a spell so the birds would chase them out of the room.

"Hey Maddie," I turn around and see Neville. "I have a question." I smiled and nod.


"W-would y-you like to go to Slughorn's p-party with me?" awe.

"I'd love to Neville," his eyes lit up. "but I wasn't invited." His smile dropped.

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