Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen: The Chamber Of Secrets

Third Person P.O.V

"Pipes?" Harry muttered.

"Wish you were here, Maddie. We need you and Hermione." Ron muttered as a tear dropped onto Maddie's arm.

"It'll be okay, Ron." Harry said, squeezing Hermione's hand tighter. Harry saw Maddie's brothers all rush in but he didn't see Ginny.

"Maddie?" George rushed to her side.

"Will she be okay? Is she-"

"No, she's just petrified. Hermione had a mirror for some reason." they nodded and Harry looked at Maddie's shocked face before returning his look to Hermione.

"Rest assured everyone! These ladies are well taken care of. You better hurry back to your dormitories before anyone sees you." Madam Pomfrey said, shooing them out.

Maddie's P.O.V

I wish I could say something. This feels horrible. I can't move, I can't talk, I can't eat, and for Merlin's sake, I have to pee!

I heard all my friends and family come to see Hermione and I, which made me feel so happy. I just wish I could say something to them like I'm fine or I love you at the least. I feel so bad because they are all worried.

I heard Madam Pomfrey shoo everyone out and I tried to do something, anything. I tried to move my fingers or my legs, or even flare my nostrils but I can't tell if I did anything. Someone burst into the hospital after she left but I didn't know who it was.

"Maddie, Maddie." someone voiced next to me.

Draco, Hi Draco.

I tried to smile but I know it didn't work.

"Oh my gosh, how could this happen to you? Out of all the students, why you? You're not even-" I heard someone start to fiddle with the door and Draco hid under the bed. I heard the door close and Draco sit beside me again. He whispered something to me.

"I know you have the strength to get through this, Maddie." that's the last thing I heard before the door close.

I know I can't feel anything but I swear I felt him grab my hand.

"Is she waking?" I heard from around me. I felt dizzy. I must be coming to.

Oh please. I saw two of everyone before my gaze went normal.

"She's awake." I tried to look to my side but people were blocking it.

"Hermione." I muttered.

"Hermione is fine, dear." McGonagall smiled. People moved out of the way and Hermione smiled at me.

"'Mione." I smiled and she sat up.

"How are you feeling?" she asked me, now sitting on my bed with me.

"Alive, thanks to you. If you didn't have that mirror, I'd be dead right now." I hugged her.

"Thanks a lot." I smiled and she nodded.

"Where is Harry and Ron?" I slowly stood up and I smiled. I wiggled my toes and laughed. Hermione and I ran upstairs to Dumbledore's. We all ran into the Great Hall.

"Welcome back girls!" Sir Nicholas smiled at us. We thanked him before everyone noticed us.

"Harry, it's Hermione and Madeline!" Neville shouted. We ran over there and engulfed everyone into hugs.

"It's so good to be back." I smiled into Harry's shoulder. Apparently Ginny opened the chamber of secrets. Tom Riddle, he who must not be named, forced her to. I am just glad she is okay.

"Couldn't have done it without you and Hermione's help." I smiled widely. Hermione and Ron awkwardly shook hands and I laughed.

"You two." I laughed. They'll be together, I swear it.

"Gryffindor wins the House Cup!" we all cheered and the first years threw their hats up

"I had an amazing year, guys. Thank you." Hermione and Harry pulled me into a hug.

"Be safe." Hermione smiled at me and I nodded.

"If Dudley ever gives you any problems, there's no harm in threatening him." I winked, pulling out my wand.

"Madeline, we can't do magic outside of school." he said confused.

"They don't know that." Harry smiled and I went towards my family.

"Ready to go, kids?" I saw a familiar flash of platinum hair.

"Hold on one more minute." I sprinted over behind a pillar and pulled Draco into a huge hug.

"I am so glad you're alright." he smiled.

"Me too." he pulled out of the hug and quickly looked around.

"Make sure you write me what you got on your finals?" I nodded and I waved off.

"Who was that?" Ginny asked.

"A friend." I smiled slightly before we made our way away from Kings Cross Station, away from Hogwarts.

All these characters belong to J.K. Rowling. All credit goes to her for some of the plot and all of setting (characters, etc.) I made Maddie Weasley, that is it. I am just a girl who wants to write fanfictions.

End of The Chamber Of Secrets! I know this one was really short but Hermione and Maddie being petrified took up most of the time.

I hope you liked it <3 <3 Love you my fellow Potterheads!!

Sorry for the late update, I just recently started high school and still in cc.

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