Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six: The Order Of The Phoenix

I looked down at my hand who was burning. I looked over at Harry who I guess was feeling the same thing. My hand shook as I felt the words surge in my hand.








Tears watered in my eyes as I fought them back. I forbid myself to look at Harry because I know Umbridge would say something.

"Is there a problem?" I shook my head to make sure she didn't see my face.

"Good, you may go." I rushed out of the room, I don't care if she saw me. All I heard as I left the room was the same utterly disposing, hm hm!

"Maddie, wait up! Are you okay?" he took my hand and I winced.

"This is illegal!" he whispered.

"Harry, don't say anything. Please." I uttered before rushing off.

I wore gloves that covered my hands the whole day. If anyone asked at all, I was cold.

"Madeline?" Ron asked.

"Yes?" I tried to hide my fear.

"Why are you wearing gloves?" he asked and looked down at my hands.

"I-I'm cold."

"Yeah, so Harry's cold too?" Hermione jolted in. I didn't say anything, hoping they'd drop it. I was wrong.

Ron picked up my hand and Hermione picked up Harry's. Ron slid off my glove and I winced.

"Bloody hell, I am going to kill that brute."

"No Ron, don't." I fought back tears.

"She can't do this. You have to tell Dumbledore." Harry shook his head.

"You can't deal with this for three more days, Maddie." Ron cried from beside me.

"I will be fine guys. She doesn't scare me."

"Yeah, well this scares me." Ron holds up my scarred hand.

"Madeline, she is torturing you. If mum knew-"

"Ron, I'm fine. It doesn't even hurt." I lied but only Harry would really know.

Umbridge has gained my bitter hatred. I can't even call her a Professor, much less my friend. All she does it ruin everything with pure evil.

Fred and George were doing fireworks for Hermione's birthday and she had to put it out.

"I'm sorry Hermione, happy birthday." she smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Be safe, Maddie." I knew what she was talking about.

The entrance was being filled with more and more rules and regulations. It was honestly more like Azkaban to me than Hogwarts. The only thing holding it together was..


Now she thinks she has the nerve to throw Professor Trelawny out on the streets. 

It's completely mad. I agree with Hermione. We need to find a way to learn to defend ourselves and if Umbridge won't teach it, we need someone who can.

"This is mad, who would want to be taught by me?" Harry asked unbelievably.

"Seriously Harry, you can't be worse than old toadface." I scoffed at the thought of her.

"Thanks Mads." he laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Who's exactly supposed to be meeting us exactly?" I asked nervously.

"Just a couple people." Hermione fibbed as she opened the door to basically our whole year and more.

"Hermione Jean Granger." I muttered under my breath and she smiled slightly.

"We need a way to protect ourselves!" Hermione said and people argued.

"Maybe if you tell us more information on how Ced-"

"I'm not telling who about Cedric so if that's why you're here you can clear out now."

"Is it true you can produce a Patronus Charm?" Luna asked. Thank Merlin for Luna.

"It is, I've seen it!" Hermione smiled.

"And he killed a basalisk with the sword in Dumbledore's office." I smiled at Neville who gladly returned it.

"And he fought about 100 dementors at once." Ron smiled and Harry fought one. Us four put our name on a paper and my brothers started the list of the D.A.

I smiled and held Harry's hand.

After a few days, Harry alerted us that Neville found the Room of Requirement. I guess I didn't think of it....

even though I  had been here before..

"Expelliarmus!" Neville shouted flicking his wand the wrong way.

"Neville, try this!"

"Expelliarmus!" I tossed the wand out of the armor's grip. He smiled and repeated the spell over.

Dumbedore's Army, or the D.A, has been meeting for about 2 months now and everyone is gaining so much more than what Umbridge teaches us.

(I noticed this when I edited the first chapter, Diagon Alley (D.A) and Dumbledore's Army (D.A).

"Those who are interested in joining the Inquistorial Squad meet in my office immediately." I saw Draco look up as Filch hindered the plaque. I didn't want to say anything that would give anything away about the D.A. so we haven't been talking lately.

"Alright, we won't be meeting until after holidays. So keep practicing and keep up the good wor-" we heard pounding on the door and I stopped in my tracks.

"Everyone out the back!" I heard Harry whisper-shout. Everyone files out the door. Once everyone is gone, I go to look for Harry.

"Harry, wait-" I stop in my tracks to see Harry snogging Cho.

All these characters belong to J.K. Rowling. All credit goes to her for some of the plot and all of setting (characters, etc.) I made Maddie Weasley, that is it. I am just a girl who wants to write fanfictions.

Harry, Harry, Harry. Madeline knew you'd do this. WHY HARRY!

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