Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three: The Goblet Of Fire

"I can't believe he did that! The nerve." I cuss under my breath.

"Isn't that illegal?" Hermione nods and I scoff.

"I can't believe he-" I stop in my tracks in the middle of the steps.

"To perform them in a classroom! That's unforgivable itself. I mean, did you see Neville's fa-" Hermione stopped as Harry nudged her.

"Neville-" I shook him gently. I felt so bad for him. The look on his face was heart-wrenching. The big brute stomped down the stairs.

"Longbottom, you alright?" Neville seemed to come out of his daze. He slightly nodded and I couldn't help but give sympathy. I mean, if my mum and dad were t-

"Come into the room again, have a cup of tea." Blimey, why would he?

"Neville, you don't h-" he shook his head.

"Thanks Maddie, but it's okay." he gave me a fake smiled and shuffled up to the classroom.

"Come on Maddie." Harry pulled my shoulder along. I sighed, looking up at the classroom again, taking in a deep breath. Harry led me down the stairs and into the Great Hall...

where the goblet of fire sat.

A bunch of 7th years ran in cheering and laughing.

"Just do it Cedric!" a bunch of boys shoved the 'oh' familiar boy through the age line boundaries. He stepped up to the goblet and sprinkled his name in. He looked up at me and didn't even acknowledge me. Ron waved slightly to him as he passed and gave him the same greeting. I scoffed and my face burned hot.

"Bloody prat." I slammed my book shut as Krum smiled up at me, flicking his name in. I smiled and couldn't help to blush. He smiled and walked back to his friends, who were now cheering.

Fred and George were trying to create an age-defying potion so that they could insert their name into the fire. I don't see why you'd want to though. I heard them cheer and skip into the hall as everyone clapped.

"It's not going to work." I smirked.

They skipped over to me, sitting down on each side of me, "Yeah, and why is that little sister?"

"Because, you see that?" I pointed to the age line.

"That is an age line set by Dumbledore himself. Clearly, he would never miss or even over-think something as pathetic and dimwitted as an age potion."

"Aw, but that's just why it's so brilliant-"

"-because it's just so pathetically dimwitted." George snickered.

"Ready Fred?" they shook up the potions and smiled.

"Ready George." they smiled and hopped into the ring. They waited about 2 seconds before cheering. They split their names into the flame and I just chuckled.

Five, four, three, two-

Flames abrupt the room knocking both of my brothers on the floor.

"What did I tell you?" I smiled and they rolled their eyes. I looked over to them as their white hairs showed.

"You said-"

"You said!" they argued each other. I got up, sliding my book under my arm, to exit but not before I made their day. I knelt down onto my knees and whispered into their hearing.

"Pathetically dimwitted." I smirked and they glared at me.


"Now the moment you've all been waiting for," Dumbledore announced. "the champion selection." He did some funny gestures to the goblet and some students laughed. The flame soon turned a soft scarlet and spit out a charred slice of paper.

"Victor Krum!" everyone cheered and it spit another.

"Fleur Delecour!" and another.

"The Hogwarts champion is...

Cedric Diggory!" I clapped quietly, regarding the course of previous events.

"There we have our three champions! But only one will behold the- Triwizard Cup!" everyone clapped lightly. I smiled but Snape cut me off by stepping right in front of me. He looked beyond Dumbledore into the-


It was for sure acting up. But, weren't there only 3 champions? Dumbledore took a look at the small paper. He muttered something under his breath.

"Harry Potter!" he yelled. I covered my ears. Dumbledore never yelled and don't hold my words lightly, never. I nudged Harry, gesturing him to stand up. He stood up slowly and made his way to the champions. The professors, aside from McGonagall, all gave him a strange look as if he'd killed the Minister.

Ron glared at him and I nudged him.

"Ron stop, you're staring daggers into his soul!" I whisper yelled. He glared at me before returning his gaze to Harry. I saw Moody look at Harry with certainty before he disappeared into the Champions room.

All these characters belong to J.K. Rowling. All credit goes to her for some of the plot and all of setting (characters, etc.) I made Maddie Weasley, that is it. I am just a girl who wants to write fanfictions.

OOOHHHHHHHHH just kidding we all knew Harry was chosen for the TWT. I bet some of you were expecting a change up for example, Maddie to be a champion. No. Lol <3

Like and comment! Who's your favorite Tri-Wizard Champion?


I took the Pottermore quiz a while ago and forgot to tell you all.

I am in Slytherin and my wand is 11 1/2 inches unicorn hair core hazelwood and unbending flexibility. 



My Patronus is a Brown Bear <3 :D 

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