Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: The Chamber Of Secrets

"Could I have your attention please?" Professor McGonagall smiled.

"Today we will be transforming animals into water goblets." my jaw fell open.

"Mr. Weasley, one two three. Vera Verto." Ron nodded and pointed his wand at Scabbers. This isn't gonna turn out well.

"Vera Verto." Ron's eyes widened as the rat turned into a furry cup. Yech.

"That wand needs replacing, Mr. Weasley."

"Yes, Ms. Granger." Hermione put her hand down.

"Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets." I gasped. I think I had heard enough of that place. She nodded and started telling.

"It is said to be the home of- a monster." I looked back at Malfoy and he smirked at Ron.

"Of course! Lucius Malfoy must have opened it when he went to school here, now he's taught Draco how to do it."

"It can't be Dra- Malfoy." I corrected myself.

"Now tell me, why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight in the middle of a girls' lavatory? Don't you think we'll get caught?" I shook my head.

"Nobody comes in here, Ron." Hermione poured something into the four bottles.


"Moaning Myrtle."


"Moaning Myrtle." I said, nudging Ron's head back.

"Who's Moaning-"

"I'm Moaning Myrtle!" Myrtle screamed at Ron and started whimpering.

"I wouldn't expect you to know me! Poor Moaning Myrtle." she pouted and flew into 'her' toilet.

"Disgusting." I gagged and Ron nodded.

"Ah, Mr. and Ms. Weasley." someone said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I asked, completely confused. Harry pushed me up on the stage gently.

"Mr. Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest spells. Might I suggest someone from my own house. Malfoy, perhaps?" Malfoy skipped up onto the stage. I looked nervously at Hermione and she gave me a reassuring nod.


"Wands at the ready!" Lockhart shouted and I gulped.


"Malfoy." we both bowed and went to our sides.

"On three, one two-" Malfoy shot me a curse and knocked me down onto my head. Everyone started laughing; well, Slytherin did. I threw one and knocked him onto his arse. Everyone gave me high-fives before I jumped down.

"Nice job, sis. I have always wanted to do that." Ron patted me on the back.

"Where's Ginny?" I asked and Ron shrugged. I went out into the hallways before I saw familiar locks flip around the corner. I started to walk faster around the corner and saw Ginny standing there by a wall.

"Ginny- what are you doing?" she seemed to snap out of her daze.

"Just thinking." she said, back in her original tone.

"Gin, did you see me knock out Malfoy?" I laughed and she chuckled a nervous one. I wanted to ask her what was wrong but she looked stressed. I brought her into the room with the rest of the students and went by our friends.

"For all we know you could be his great, great grandson or something!" Ron sounded convinced.

"Harry, I believe you. I know it's not you." I smiled, setting my hand on his shoulder. Everyone gave me a side glare and I just brushed it off.

"Thanks Maddie. At least someone believes me." I nodded and went along with Harry.

"I'm gonna go back to the common room, see you guys there." they nodded.

"It'll all be solved soon, Harry." I smiled and grabbed his hand. I think Harry started hearing voices again because he started walking faster towards the wall. I looked forward to see Nearly Headless Nick hanging right in front of us. I grabbed Harry's hand and he tensed at first but relaxed into it.

"Justin-" Harry kneeled in front of him and he appeared frozen.

"He's petrified, just like Ms. Norris." I nodded and stood up.

"Caught in the act, I'll have you this time." Filch sounded from behind us before going to get others.

"No, Mr. Filch. You don't-" Professor McGonnagal came in breathless.

"Oh my-"

"Professor, I swear we didn't." she looked like she wanted to believe us.

"This is out of my hands." I looked down. Why us? Now I know how Neville feels.

All these characters belong to J.K. Rowling. All credit goes to her for some of the plot and all of setting (characters, etc.) I made Maddie Weasley, that is it. I am just a girl who wants to write fanfictions.

Chamber of Secrets is just beginning, like and comment! Updates in 2-3 days ;) Stay tuned Potterheads!

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