Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five: The Goblet of Fire

A Day Later

"So how are the interviews coming, Harry?" I asked, poking a green bean with my fork.

"Bloody awful, she is getting on my nerves." Trust me Harry, me too.

"For some reason, she keeps calling me 12." I laughed a little bit.

Hermione and Ginny jumped into the room laughing.

"What is going on?" I smiled.

"MADDIE, I'm in love!" Ginny squealed.

"With who, Gin?" she shook her head.

"I can't tell you!" she chimed in.

"Then why did you tell me?"

"Because, love." Ginny smiled.

"I really like him and I think he likes me too!" I smile and congratulate her.

"Hermione," I asked as she is busy brushing my hair. "can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, Maddie." she nods, taking a look at my passed out twin.

"Who's prettier? Ginny or me?"

"Maddie, you both are-"

"That's not what I asked Mione." she looked at my sadly.

"Ginny says she is in love and she will probably get the guy and he'll love her! And then there's me. I really like this one person but he only seems to like me as a sister. What is wrong with me?" I cried.

Great, now they're going to think I'm a cry baby.

"Maddie," she ran her fingers through my hair. "you are so beautiful! Your hair is so beautiful even I get jealous. You don't even wear makeup like Ginny and I do because you don't need it. You're beautiful and Ginny and I are always jealous."

"And whoever passes up on you," she smiled. "it's their loss. You could turn even the strongest person weak." I wiped my tears.

"Thanks Hermione. You promise?" she nodded.

"I promise." she sprayed my hair and then started braiding it into two French braids. After Hermione was done, I sat in my bed.

I heard a slightly gray owl poking at my window. I let him in and he threw a white envelope onto my bed. I looked up slightly to see the owl perched on my shoulder, rubbing on my neck.

I picked up the envelope and opened it.

Harry isn't who you think he is.

Who would send this?


I slid the note back into the envelope and flipped it over.

Your Friend


I woke up to the sound of the radio playing softly.

"Hey Maddie," Ginny smiled as she applied mascara. "how did you sleep?" I replied with a simple 'fine'. I looked into the mirror once she had left. Maybe that's what I needed.

I borrowed Ginny's mascara and applied a little to my eyelashes, just enough to make my bright blue eyes pop. I lightly applied some sparkling lip gloss to finish it off.

I fixed up my two braids to make them look better and skipped down the stairs.

"Wowza." I heard Harry mutter.

"Maddie, you look beautiful." I smiled widely. I knew it would work. Maybe he will like me now.

"Hey Harry."

"Your smile is so beautiful." I blushed and he pulled me down next to him on the couch.

"Have you thought about Hogsmeade this weekend?" his face had a look of hope.

"Indeed I have." I laughed. He looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"I would love to Harry, what did you think I was going to say?" I giggled and he smiled.

"Thank Merlin!" he let out a breath. Ginny and Hermione came into the room laughing and stopped. I smiled at Hermione and Ginny looked furious. Hermione froze with a look of splitting worry.

"I sure hope you do well in the games, Harry." I sipped the butter beer.

"Thanks Maddie." he gulped down the butter beer in one drink. My eyes widened as I set my cup down. He pulled me out of the cafe and took off into the road.

"Harry," I shouted. "what are you doing? I wasn't finished." A green flash zipped past us exploding the building. I screamed as the impact threw me down and Harry went flying. He got up and ran.

"Harry!" I screamed as the building started falling. I rolled out of it's course, clipping my right leg. I screamed out in agony as nobody was in view. I looked up to see another block falling. I closed my eyes waiting for impact but all I heard was the sound as it hit the ground.

"Maddie, are you okay?" I opened my eyes to see a familiar pair of silver orbs. My leg throbbed and I shook my head.

"I-I think I broke my leg." I seized in pain.

"Oh god- um, you can't walk." he debated with himself before picking me up.

"I am taking you to Madam Pomfrey's." I groaned and he forced a chuckle.

All these characters belong to J.K. Rowling. All credit goes to her for some of the plot and all of setting (characters, etc.) I made Maddie Weasley, that is it. I am just a girl who wants to write fanfictions.

Awe, SuperMalfoy to save the day!

I know the event went really fast but AWE, right?

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