Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen: The Prisoner Of Azkaban

"Harry, what did you just do?" I shouted.

"Tell me about Peter Pettigrew." Harry shouted, still pointing his wand.

"He was our classmate, thought he was our friend." Lupin put his hands up.

"He's dead, you killed him!" Harry rotated his wand to Sirius.

"No, I thought so too before you showed me him on the map." Lupin looked at Sirius then pointed to Scabbers.

"Long life for a common garden rat. He's missing a toe, isn't he?" I looked at Harry and he seemed to be lost in a train of thought.

"All they could find on Pettigrew was his-"

"Finger! He cut it off just so we thought he was dead." Sirius yelled and I wiped my tears.

"Give the rat to him, Ron!" Ron finally lost his grip. Sirius threw the rat onto the old piano and started shooting spells onto him. Finally they hit him and he started to transform. He lunged onto Harry.

"You look so much like your father!" Sirius pryed him off.

"How dare you speak to Harry! You should have realized, if Voldemort didn't kill you then we would! Together!" Lupin and Sirius raised their wands.

"No!" Harry yelled.

"Harry- what are you-

"Harry, this man-"

"I know what he is." Harry stood uncomfortable.

"Bless you boy-"

"I said 'bring him to the castle'," Harry paused. "then the dementors can have you." Ron lifted me up and helped me out.

"Sorry about the bite," Sirius and Harry helped me down the stairs. "I reckon that hurts a bit."

I nodded, "You almost tore my leg off." He apologized.

"I was going for the rat, but you were in front of me." They helped me out of the hole and set me down on the tree trunk.

Sirius walked ahead and Harry stood hesitant.

"Go ahead." Hermione offered.

"No, it's alright." Ron nudged him again.

"You alright?" I nodded and Harry went towards Sirius.

"I've been a good pet, Madeline, Ron!" Peter Pettigrew was drug out of the hole. I pushed him off of me.

"Sirius," I shouted as Harry and he looked back. "the moon!" Sirius looked quickly to Professor Lupin before diving towards him.

"You know the man you truly are, Remus!" Sirius shouted and was thrown off the cliff.

"There you are, Potter!" Professor Lupin was getting closer. Snape turned around and guarded us. He scratched Snape and then went for us.

Right when he was about to scratch me, Sirius tackled him. As the Grim. Harry ran after them.

"Get her back to Madam Pomfrey." Hermione shouted she went to help Harry.

"No! I want to help!" I went to stand but fell with complete pain. Professor Snape and Ron brought me back to the hospital wing but before we left, I saw Harry run down the hill. I took one last look at Hermione before black took over.


I heard many voices around me and my headache got worse. I squinted my eyes as a sharp pain shot down my shin.

"Madeline," Hermione leaned down. "thank Godric!" My leg was tied in a sling.
Dumbledore burst through the doors and I looked across from me. Harry sat upright.


"You've got the wrong man, Professor!" Harry and Hermione shot up and ran to Professor Dumbledore.

"It's Scabbers who did it!" I shouted.


"Our rat, sir." I pointed to Ron and me.

"He's not really a rat, well he was.." Dumbledore looked confused. He started talking to Harry and Hermione. He came over to me and Ron. He patted my leg a few times and I winced. Ron squeezed my hand.

"Sirius Black is in the chamber of the top tower. You know the rules, Ms. Granger. You must not be seen." she nodded and I was more confused than ever.

"What is he talking about?" I asked and Professor McGonagall ran in.

"Ronald Weasley, I need to speak with you in my office." Dumbledore nudged him to her.

"Madeline, I will be back soon." I smiled and nodded.

"If you succeed tonight, more than one life can be saved." I heard Dumbledore say to Hermione.

"Good luck." Dumbledore smiled from the door, closing it.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" I asked.

"Sorry Maddie, but seeing as you can't walk." Hermione pulled a chain out of her pocket and placed it around her and Harry. She rotated it 3 times and everything started retracing. After about 5 seconds, they disappeared.

"What?" I asked myself.

"What was that my dear?" Madam Pomfrey stuck her head out of her doorway.

"Oh um- nothing." I smiled, covering it up.

"Alright dear." I heard the door unlock and everyone of my siblings piled in. Well, except Ron.

"Bloody hell, Madeline. Are you alright?" Ginny rushed to my side.

"I am great, Gin. Thanks." she forced a smile.

A few hours later-

Harry's P.O.V

"It's horrible I got to spend so much time with your parents and you so little. They will always be in here." he put his hand on my heart and I smiled slightly.

"You really are," he spoke to 'Mione. "the brightest witch of your age." She smiled widely.

"Oh and tell Madeline I said 'get well', would you?" I nodded and Sirius rode Buckbeak into the sky.

Madeline's P.O.V (I like saying Madeline instead of Maddie, to change it up)

"Did what?" I heard from outside the door.

"Goodnight." Dumbledore spoke and I saw Harry and Hermione burst into the door.

"How did you get there when I just saw you there! And now you're there!" I stammered and they stopped.

"What is she talking about Harry?"

"I don't know. Honestly Madeline, how could someone possibly be in two places at once?" Harry smiled and I still sat completely confused. They both laughed and ran over to me.

All these characters belong to J.K. Rowling. All credit goes to her for some of the plot and all of setting (characters, etc.) I made Maddie Weasley, that is it. I am just a girl who wants to write fanfictions.

Leaving Maddie confused. Don't lecture me about changing Ron's place for Maddie, please. I wanted to change it up a bit. Comment what you think Ron got called up to McGonagall's for.

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