Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve: The Chamber Of Secrets

"Mandagora." I smiled, stepping into the common room.

"Maddie!" Ron ran in as I was about to close the door. Harry wasn't far behind him.

"S-spiders." Ron stuttered.

"What? What's going on and why is Ron so shaken up?" Harry took a deep breath.

"Hagrid said to follow the spiders so we went into the forest and it lead us to a cave, right? So obviously, we decided to go in there-"

"Like idiots." Ron muttered.

"-because we needed to find out why we had to. So when we went in we found a HUGE spider then it started chasing us and, MADDIE. Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets." Harry finally took a deep breath and I stood flabbergasted in front of him.

"I know." I said firmly. He looked surprised and I laughed at him.

"Harry, did you really think someone like Hagrid would have opened the Chamber of Secrets?" he looked down.

"Exactly," I smiled. "it must have been someone else who did it."

"That's it!" I said, as an idea popped into my head.

"Harry, if they blamed someone unexpected last time, it must be someone unexpected this time!" Harry hid something behind his back. It looked like a book of some kind, but I just shook it off.

"Maddie, that's brilliant!" Harry's jaw dropped and I smiled widely.

"I know." I put my hand under my chin comically. We heard a knock on the door before the cheerfullest Hermione popped in.

"Madeline, we're going to the library! Bye boys!" she said pulling me out, just as fast as she hopped in.

"What about the monster out there?" Ron shouted.

"We'll be safe." she smiled and shut the door.

"Um, Hermione? How exactly will we be safe?" she shrugged and put her hand on my shoulder.

"This." she stuck her hand in her pocket and pulled out a small mirror.

"A mirror?" I exclaimed.

"Yes, just trust me." she said, pulling me along to the library. After a few minutes of searching, she finally found what she was looking for.

"Ah ha!" she pulled a book down from a high shelf and set it on the table with a loud thud. That book looked like it weighed 50 tons! She flipped it open and started reading.

"A basilisk!" she shouted to be shushed by Madam Pince. She quickly muttered an apology before looking back at me.

"It's a basilisk! That's what's been petrifying everyone."

"'Mione, how is a big snake supposed to travel unseen?"


"We have to tell Harry and Ron!" I said, spinning around the corner.

"Wait!" she pulled me back around.

"We have to check if it's clear first!" she pulled out her mirror. She looked around and fell to the ground, but before she fell, I saw into it too.

The basilisk.

Harry's P.O.V

"Let the Quidditch match begin!'

"Not to mention they're scared Harry will petrify them if they come anywhere near them!" Fred smiled.

"That too." Wood said, as we flew out the gates. I expected to hear cheering but we just saw everyone look to the center of the field. McGonagall stood hands in the air.

"The Quidditch match; Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff has been canceled!" We groaned before flying down there.

"Professor, why-"

"Boys, you might want to come see this." she brought Ron and I outside of the stadium.

"What's up, Professor?" Ron asked, looking at Dumbledore, who stood behind her.

"This may come as a bit of a shock to you.." she led us to the hospital door.

"I'm sorry." she opened the door and I ran up to the beds with a bunch of people around them. There laid 2 of the people I never wanted to see petrified.

Hermione and Madeline.

"Madeline?" Ron ran up to her bed. I sat next to her bed and Ron quickly sprinted in between them. He sat smack dab in the middle of them. I sat next to Hermione and grabbed her hand.

"Her-" as soon as I grabbed her hand, I felt something in between her fingers. A piece of paper.

"Basalisk." I spoke out loud.

"But how would a big snake travel around at Hogwarts? It would be noticeable." I asked nobody in particular.

"They answered that too, Harry." Ron held up a crumpled up piece of paper.


All these characters belong to J.K. Rowling. All credit goes to her for some of the plot and all of setting (characters, etc.) I made Maddie Weasley, that is it. I am just a girl who wants to write fanfictions.

I wanted to include Maddie in the events of the C.O.S so she got petrified with Hermione. Love you guys!

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