Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen: The Prisoner Of Azkaban

I heard someone say we're studying dementors in DADA and that terrifies me. Ever since that incident on the train, I refuse to go anywhere near them. I don't even think we should have them in Hogwarts, especially not in class.

"Harry, I really don't want to do this." I said, taking a deep breath.

"Nothing will happen to you, Maddie." he said, pulling me towards the mirror. It shook vigorously and I gulped. 

"Ridikulus, that's the spell we are using to repel this boggart.." Lupin admitted as he walked around the classroom.

"Just simply use this spell on the thing you fear the most and turn it into something funny." he pulled Neville up and he made Snape wear his grandmother's clothing. I laughed a little bit but returned to reality when I realized it was my turn soon.

"God, I hate this." I muttered to myself.

"Why? It's not even relevant." Draco said from behind me. I leaned to see Parkinson right on his tail.

"How's your arm?" I stirred because of the nerves.


"What does it look like, Weasley?" Pansy stepped forward and I sighed.

"Listen Pansy, I'm really not in the mood to ar-"

"Clam it, Gryffindor. Why are you even talking to us?" I looked down. I can't do this right now. Pansy gave a look of disgust before I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. I lifted my hand up and touched it.

"Bloody chi-" she tried to catch herself but she landed on the floor. 

"I said stop." I squinted and turned around. I saw a small smirk on Malfoy's face. That felt good. 

"Ms. Weasley," Professor Lupin pulled me up towards the mirror and I tried to think of an alternative.

"Uh-I have to go to the restroom."

"Nonsense, you can go after. Remember Ridikulous." I gulped and nodded.

The door opened slowly. I stood back a little as I saw a figure emerge, followed by 9 more. I heard many confused sounds come from behind. I saw a smoky vision of the people. 

I saw my family; Mum, Dad, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ginny, and Ron. Then following soon behind them, Harry and Hermione. I didn't know what was happening until the most terrifying thing happened. A metal stake lunged through them.

I covered my mouth and started sobbing. Ron pulled me away from the cabinet and into the corner.

"It's okay, Maddie. We're all safe." he pulled me into a hug and they brought me to the common room

"Hermione, I think I am done." I wiped my face and stood up from the dinner table. I hadn't eaten much but I wasn't hungry.  After seeing what I just saw, I don't think I'd fancy food for a week.

They said they'd meet me at the common room. I made my way back to the common room but as I got to the fat lady, I heard noises. These noises sounded un-human. I looked at her and sunk behind the podium. I hid under the stairs before I heard a big slash. I slowly peeked out and heard everyone starting to come towards the rooms.

"Harry, 'Mione, Ron! Something is here." I said, panicked. I led them up to the common room door. Students already crowded the way so we pushed through.

"The fat lady, she's gone!" Ginny turned to us. Professor Dumbledore pushed through and the fat lady was in another painting.

"Sirius Black is here somewhere in the castle!" everyone gasped and retreated back to the great hall.

All these characters belong to J.K. Rowling. All credit goes to her for some of the plot and all of setting (characters, etc.) I made Maddie Weasley, that is it. I am just a girl who wants to write fanfictions.

Sirius Black, Sirius Black! I saw this picture earlier, I can't find it atm though. It was a conversation between Harry and Sirius.

Harry: You're white.

Sirius: No, I'm Black.

Harry: Lol stop joking.

Sirius: I'm Sirius.

;) I don't really do these kind of so called skits usually in these end bios but I thought I'd bring a little humor/weird moments from me ;) Updates soon.

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